Monday, April 24, 2017

SELF CONTROL / I Live My Life For You

This is the 1st of 5 devotions with the theme
from Galatians 5:22 

 “The Fruit of the Spirit is 
Temperance / Self Control

Rebecca Cooley

(Psalm 91; Galatians 5:22)

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
shall remain stable and fixed 
under the shadow of the Almighty
                  whose power no foe can withstand.”

Those who live in the secret place of the Almighty have all of God’s benefits including safety, protection, rest and long life.  What is the secret place and how do I stay within the boundaries of this place in God?

The secret place is a place of abiding in God that keeps us within God’s boundaries.  Boundaries are borders that God has set up to keep us safe from the world of evil and sin.  We can choose to live within these boundaries and have all of these great benefits. 

The key to living in the secret place is temperance or self-control.  Probably the main reason the world is so out of control is because as individuals, people have lost the fruit of self-control. 

Self-control is defined as the power to control one’s feelings, desires, actions, reactions, emotions and composure.  Is this really possible without God’s help?  Looking at the world today, it appears not! 

But it is possible to live in the secret place in God and to stay within the boundaries he has established.  Joseph lived in this place of God and had the fruit of self-control.  Just the fruit of self-control in his life as a young man took him to the fullness of what his life was supposed to be.  He became a ruler and a leader that shaped the destiny of his people.  He lived in the secret place of the Most High God and it brought greats rewards in his life.  

There are no boundaries concerning our destinies with God.  He is boundless in his love for us and his desire for us to succeed.  There is no limit to what God will do with us and in us if we keep our souls within the boundaries of the secret place.  

Father, forgive me for stepping outside of your boundaries.  Forgive me for floundering on the edge of the boundaries that you have established for me.  I choose today to live inside the secret place.  I choose to make your dwelling place my place.  Help me to establish the fruit of self-control in my life and learn to use it to keep me within the place in you that will take me to great victories.  

© LoveWalkPublishing 
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley

(Galatians 5:22)
Verse 1
The fruit of the Spirit is Temperance, 
Self control, moderation (repeat)
Chorus 1
As I live my life for You, 
As I live my life before You,
As I live my life for You, 
Am I always staying in the boundaries? 
Am I always staying 
Where Your grace can reach me?
Am I always staying in the boundaries, 
Am I always staying in Your love?
Chorus 2
As I live my life for You, 
As I live my life before You,
As I live my life for You, 
Am I always staying in the boundaries? 
Am I always staying 
Where Your grace can reach me?
Am I always staying in the boundaries, 
Am I always staying in Your love?
If I will limit myself 
According to Your word, 
I will take the limits off of You,
I take the limits off of You!
© LoveWalkPublishing 
WordsAndMusic by 
Kent Clifford Cooley

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