Saturday, February 18, 2017

LOVE IS CONSIDERATE / Love Is Patient And So Am I / I Believe

This is the 6th of 6 devotions and music videos 
with the theme from Galatians 5:22 and 1 Corinthians 13:4

"Love Is Patient”
“The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Longsuffering Patience"

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from 1 Timothy 3:3)

During my husband's teenage years, he spent his summers traveling with an on the road bible school. The leaders of the youth group were ministers and college professors who donated their summers to train youth in ministry. While being trained to witness on the streets one day, He tells about meeting a Hindu family from India. He introduced himself and asked them if they had ever experienced Jesus coming into their hearts. They promptly informed him that they had their own religion. He was not offended nor did he feel confrontational. He showed interest in their statement by asking them about their religion. After they shared with him about their beliefs, he asked them, “Would you allow me share with you why I believe Jesus is the only way to God and to heaven?” They listened intently. I do not believe they would have listened to him if I had not shown interest in them and in their religion.
My Confession
I am not argumentative or confrontational. I am gentle and considerate. I am not quarrelsome but I am peaceful. I am not insistent that I am always right. I am developing a willingness to reason with others. I am learning not to force my opinion on others. I am not afraid of disapproval. I do not operate in fear. Being considerate promotes peace and I am a peacemaker. I do not violate the law of love.

Father, I interact with people all day. Some people don’t share the respect and honor that I have for You. But all people need you. I honor You today by being considerate and peaceable to all people. I respect You, Lord, with the words that come out of my mouth and with my opinions and thoughts. I respect people today by the way I communicate with them and by my actions. I want to communicate peace and love. I want people to feel Your love when they talk to me. Work this balance of boldness and being considerate in me so I can make 
a difference to people who cross my path!

© LoveWalkPublishing
Authored by 

(Adapted from 1 Timothy 3:3; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Galatians 5:22; Romans 2:1, 4, 5; 8:25; Hebrews 10:23; Matthew 12:37)
Love is patient and so am I (repeat) /
I consider God’s patience
I consider God’s long suffering (repeat)
I suffer long and I believe they’ll come around after awhile (etc)
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe (repeat)
I am patient / I wait / I will not give up for I stand in faith (repeat)
© LoveWalkMusic 
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley 

This is the impartation devotion
Father, As I practice longsuffering patience,  
I do so by drawing from your nature.  
It is not I who lives but it is now Christ who lives in me.  
I go now empowered by Your grace 
which is Your divine ability through me!
In Jesus name, Amen!

Every 7th devotion is offering day on the DailyLoveWalk

Every completed devotion involves 8 to 12 hours to produce.
This is our seed into your life
If this is ministering to you,
we want to invite you to sow a seed back into this ministry.
Or to become a LoveWalkCovenantPartner monthly

Online giving is not working at this time however
you may donate by regular mail

Checks may be made payable to
Kent and/or Rebecca Cooley
Kent and Rebecca Cooley /15 Trexler Ave

Thomasville NC, 27360

Friday, February 17, 2017


This is the 5th of 6 devotions and music videos
with the theme taken from
Galatians 5:22 and 1 Corinthians 13:4
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Long suffering Patience
Love Is Patient

Rebecca Cooley
(James 1:4; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Galatians 5:22)

Patience has two faces. Patience can be associated with mildness, temperance and humility in a person’s life. These attributes in one’s life are commendable but patience is also a powerful force that the enemy cannot stop. When patience and love are coupled together, it is an energy and strength directly from the heart of God that can move heaven and earth.

The ultimate example of patience is Jesus waiting on the Father to open the gates of heaven for His bride. This patient endurance is passing the test of time and one day the Father will say to His Son, 

“Your patience has had its perfect work! Go and get your bride!” At that moment, patience and love will embrace with a force so tremendous that it will break the eastern skies, thunder will roll, lightening will crash and the bride will meet Jesus face to face!

We, the bride of Christ, have to patiently wait on the Father also. While we are waiting patiently on our Lord coming for us, our patience is a key to walking in love. Our display of patience with people can unlock the door to the Kingdom of God for them. It is a spiritual force that can also move heaven and earth in a man’s heart!

Father, I want You to say to me one day that my patience did a perfect work in someone’s life. I want You to be able to say that you moved a mountain for someone because of my patience unlocking the door of love and letting that person in. Thank you Lord for Your work of patience in me.

© LoveWalkPublishing
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley

All Rights Reserved


(James 1:4; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Galatians 5:22)
How long must I wait?
As long as it takes
I’m not givin’ up before the break-through
It will not be late
The answer will come
Just on time for those who wait
I’m waiting
I’m not moved by what I see
I’m waiting
I’m not moved by what I hear
I’m waiting
I’m not moved by what I feel
I let patience have it’s perfect work in me
I let patience have it’s perfect work in me
My faith is now renewed
Let patience have it’s perfect work in You
Thank you Lord for Your long-suffering
So many times
You waited and waited and waited for me

© LoveWalkPublishing 
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley


Thursday, February 16, 2017


Brought to you by our

This is the 4th of 6 devotions with the theme from
Galatians 5:22 And 1 Corinthians 13:4 
"Love Is Patient”
“The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Longsuffering Patience"
Rebecca Cooley

(James 1:4; Romans 5:3; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Galatians 4:22)

There are virtues in my life that I would not have gained except by way of tribulation and difficulties. Some of the trials were major ordeals but most of the challenges I have incurred over the years were common everyday occurrences turned into challenges. It is how I chose to process the trials that turned them into virtues in my life.

James tells us that when our faith is tested, it is an opportunity for patience and endurance to grow in our hearts. As patience begins to grow in our hearts and in our personalities, it develops and becomes stronger. The ultimate goal is for a completeness and fullness to occur and become our inspiration to love others.

Father, thank you for every test of patience, every day
whether sent by you to develop a quality in me that I didn't have or by the enemy to try to make me fail. It is a win-win situation because the trial will produce patience in me and patience is going to have it's perfect work in me!

© LoveWalkPublishing
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley

(James 1:4; Romans 5:3; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Galatians 5:22)
Tribulation worketh patience,
patience experience,
experience produces hope
And hope maketh not ashamed
Let patience have it’s perfect work in you,
It’s perfect work in you
Then you’ll have what it takes to make it through,
When patience has it’s perfect work in you
And when life happens to me,
The Spirit will descend like a dove
For when life happens to me,
It is my opportunity to walk in love,
Walk in love, walk in love, walk in love,
© LoveWalkPublishing
WordsAndMusic by Kent Clifford Cooley
All Right Reserved

We want to invite you to become a monthly partner with us 

in this ministry of producing 365 (52 categories of 7) devotions

to help the believer to get rooted and grounded 

in the God kind of love. 

Our online giving is not working as of now however . . .

Love Offerings can be sent by mail to:

Kent and / or Rebecca Cooley / 15 Trexler Ave / Thomasville NC 27360

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


This is the 3rd of 6 devotions with the theme
from Galatians 5:22 And 1 Corinthians 13:4
"Love Is Patient”
“The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Longsuffering Patience"

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from 1 John 4:18 - 20)

Father, I am learning to abide in you. I refuse to strive or struggle today. I believe LOVE expels fear! I believe LOVE drives away dread! I believe LOVE moves panic and worry. You are LOVE. You abide, live and dwell in me. Therefore LOVE abides in me. I submit all that I am to You now. Your love subdues all corruption in me and tames all dishonesty and fraud in me. Your love is working powerfully in my life today. I rest today in the love of my Almighty Savior. I relax today in your love! I revel today in the conscious joy of my complete salvation. I am complete in You today. My salvation frees me from sin and corruption! I am set free to abide in you! This is the dawning of a new day for me. I embrace today as a day to abide in you and walk in love.
I embrace this season as a new day dawning to a sea of love from which I have only taken a tiny sip. Father, lead me into the realization of your unfathomable fullness as I abide in you, lean on You and learn to walk in love. Concerning Long-suffering Patience, Your long-suffering patience is in me, therefore I take the time to listen to others and then listen for what Your Spirit has to say. I take the time to patiently minister from your heart to the heart of others. Love through me.
© LoveWalkPublishing 
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved

(Adapted from 1 John 4:20)
If I say “I love the Lord”
Yet I hate my brother I’m tellin’ a lie
If I do not love my brother whom I can see
How can I say “I love the Lord”
Who’s not right here in front of my eyes to see
I’m workin’ on a love walk everyday
When life happens to me I put away hate
I’m workin on a love walk along the way
I slow down
Take the time to love, Take the time to love,
Take the time to love
© LoveWalkMusic
WordAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved

Monday, February 13, 2017


This is the second of seven devotions
with the theme
"Love Is Patient"
"The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Long-suffering Patience"

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from John 1:38-39)

Let’s go to the Jordan River near Bethany:
John the Baptist is standing with two of his disciples, Andrew and another man. John sees Jesus in the distant and he says, “Look! There is the Lamb of God!” The two men left John and started walking after Jesus.

Jesus was aware that the two men were following him. He turned to them and said,

“What are you looking for? What is it that you need?”

They answered, “Teacher, where are you staying?”
Jesus said, “Come and see.”

These two men went home with Jesus, stayed all day and probably spent the night.

This scene describes a servant’s heart. Jesus walked in love by not having his own agenda. He was not in a hurry. He slowed down and took time for these two men and it ended up being a divine appointment. Some people may think that Jesus knew that these men were supposed to be his disciples and were expecting them to approach him that day. Maybe, maybe not. Could it have been an interruption in his day and ended up being a divine appointment that connected him with his first team members? What if he had been in a hurry and brushed these men off?

Jesus took time to love by slowing down and taking time for these two men. God had a plan and was able to work his purpose out because Jesus was not in a hurry. It probably didn’t take long for Jesus to sense what God was doing and soon knew that these two men were special. Do you think he was glad that he took the time to love these men?
Lord, I have a servant’s heart. I pattern my life after my Savior’s. Today I will walk slowly and look for divine appointments. You may interrupt my day! I will look at people today and say,

“What can I do for you? What do you need?”

Lord, my attitude today is not what can I get done for You or what can I get done for me. My attitude today is

I will slow down and take the time to love.

© LoveWalkPublishing 
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved

(Adapted from John 1:38-39)
Interruptions may be divine appointments
You see
Be a servant and say
What can I do for you today?
Walk it out
Walk it out
Walk it out
In love
© LoveWalkPublishing 
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley 

GOT PATIENCE? / Love Is Patient

This is the first of six devotions 
Galatians 5:22 And 1 Corinthians 13:4

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from 1 Cor. 13:4; Gal. 5:22; Luke 8:5-15)

Impatience violates love. Whatever is not undergirded by love has no value. You have to slow down and even stop to love. Patience is not skipping over any detail of the process of God cultivating the soil of our heart to receive the seed of the Word. The seed has to be planted and cultivated to bring increase.

Father, I make my heart pliable and moist with Your Word today. Make my heart flexible and workable in your hands today. I will not allow the enemy to carry away the seed of Your Word because I have withdrawn from You in a time of trial or temptation. I will not allow the anxieties and cares of life to choke and suffocate the seed of Your Word. I will allow my fruit to ripen and come to maturity and perfection! I will walk in love and confess Your Word over my life today.

My heart is good soil. My heart hears the Word and receives it gratefully. My heart embraces and clings to the Word. My heart is moist and holds the Word firm. My heart is noble and virtuous and worthy. My heart is gracious and genuine toward people today. My heart brings forth every fruit of the Spirit with patience today.
© LoveWalkPublishing
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved

(Adapted from 1 Cor. 13:4; Gal. 5:22; Luke 8:5-15)
Verse 1:
You can be impatient in a hurry
You can disregard in a rush
You can be rude as you’re runnin’
But you have to slow down, even stop to love
Chorus 1
Love is patient; Love is patient
The fruit of the Spirit is patience
Love is patient
Verse 2
You can give to much information
You can go on and on and on
No one else can get a word in edgewise
But you have to slow down and listen to Love
Chorus 2
Love listens; Love is not proud
The fruit of the spirit is Long suffering
Long long long long long suffering . . .
© LoveWalkMusic
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved