Saturday, April 29, 2017


This is the 5th of 5 devotions with the theme
from Galatians 5:22 

 “The Fruit of the Spirit is 
Temperance / Self Control

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from Revelation 12:11)

I don’t know a lot about football but I do know that there is an offense side and a defense side and that the offense moves toward the defense and the defense has to stop them from moving forward. A believer’s life is similar to the football field. However, we play both positions and so does the enemy.

“They have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb 

and by the word of their testimony.
And they did not love their lives so much 
that they were afraid to die.”

Our offense and our defense strategy are very clear in Scripture. We take a stand and hold our ground in the position of defense when the enemy comes against us offensively. We stand and defend our territory by the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony. We storm his territory in the offense position with the same authority – the blood of the Lamb and the words of our testimony.

The blood of the Lamb is our authority, our power and our ability to defeat the enemy whether it be in an offense position or a defense position. When that authority is truly exercised by the believer who is in right standing with God, the enemy has to retreat. He has no other choice. The words of our testimony, I believe, are the words that God puts in us that shape and cultivate our lives. The words of our testimony might be like getting into a huddle with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and getting the game plan!

Father, as I am in this game called life, you are my coach. You are my Redeemer, my Rescuer and my Savior. I give you permission to guide me, train me, discipline me and prepare me. You are my Hope, the reason that I live.
© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley

Devotion: Offense And Defense
(Adapted from Revelation 11:12)
Don’t let yourself be overcome by evil
But overcome evil with good
You are forgiven, so forgive
You are loved, so love your neighbor
Overcome by the blood of the Lamb
Overcome by the word of your testimony
Overcome by the blood of the Lamb
In this world you will have tribulation (temptation)
Don’t be afraid
Don’t you be dismayed
Jesus has overcome the world
He who overcomes will be robed in white
He who overcomes his name will be in the book of life
He who overcomes
God will make him a pillar in the sanctuary
He will write his name upon him
He will be part of the New Jerusalem
 © LoveWalkMusic WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

Friday, April 28, 2017

LOVE'S OPPORTUNITIES / Lord, I Want To Be Like You

This is the 4th of 5 devotions with the theme
from Galatians 5:22 

 “The Fruit of the Spirit is 
Temperance / Self Control

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from 1 John 4)

When life happens take advantage of the opportunity to develop the love of God. Every single thing that happens in life can be turned into an opportunity to practice love. But we must prepare ourselves ahead of time and not be taken by surprise. Be prepared to practice love under pressure.
When preparation meets opportunity we are going to have success. Every single day we will be given an opportunity to practice love. Situations will arise to test our love. Our meekness will be tested. Our temperance and patience will be tested. And the other aspects of what love is will be tested.
The next time I see a test I will use the test to build my character. If I practice anger, I will develop anger. If I practice kindness, I will develop kindness. And what I develop is what is going to surface under pressure. For instance, if I practice anger on inanimate objects, I will develop anger that will surface under pressure. If I practice having a temper, a temper will be right on the surface all the time. As soon as I realize that I have violated love I am learning to realign myself with love through apology and repentance.
Lord, prepare me for opportunities to develop your character of love. I am wising up to the enemy’s tactics to get me outside of love. By Your love, I am prepared to meet anything in life that happens. I am ready to turn every aspect of life into an opportunity to love.
© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved

( Adapted from 1 John 4; Galatians 5:22)
Lord I want to be like You,
Lord I want to be like You
You are love, You are joy ,
You are peace. Longsuffering,
Gentleness, Goodness,
Faithfulness, Meekness,
You are Temperance,
Lord, I want to be like You
So I practice the fruit of the spirit
On purpose when life happens to me . . .
© LoveWalkPublishing
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

WORD FENCES / FaithWords

This is the 3rd of 5 devotions with the theme
from Galatians 5:22 

 “The Fruit of the Spirit is 
Temperance / Self Control

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from Proverbs 18:4, 20; 19:14; Galatians 5:22)

Words are the most powerful force on earth.  Words are even more powerful than the speed of light because words created light.  Words brought everything into existence and words determine life or death.  The words that come out of our mouths set up paths for ourselves and for others to follow.  Our words guide our destinies and shape our future.  Our words contain energy that is either life or death.

“Wise words satisfy like a good meal
and the consequence of our words must be satisfied
whether they are good or evil.”

Just as we build fences around our mind to keep worldly thinking out, we build fences around our words and keep wrong and destructive words out.  We build fences with wisdom to keep out wrong words contained in lies, arguments, insults, slander, gossip, rumors, flattery and bragging.  The enemy comes to the fence of our heart with death words.  His goal is not so much to hurt the person the words are directed to, but his intention is to destroy the one who speak the words of death.  When he comes, we raise up a standard against him and move him away from our fence. 

“Wise words are like deep waters;
they are plenteous and difficult to fathom,
and the fountain of skillful and godly wisdom is like a gushing stream.
It flows from the wise like a bubbling brook
that is sparkling, fresh, pure, and life-giving.”

Wise people speak life giving words.  Wise people recognize the enemy at their fence and stop him before he tears it down.  Wise people build up and reinforce their fences daily.  Wise people help others recognize the enemy at their fence. 

Father, I want the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart to be acceptable to you.  You are my Rock and my Redeemer and you are the reason my fence is strong.  I employ Wisdom today to guard my word fences and keep the enemy out.  And Father, I ask you to make me a fence mender for others.  I want my words to be represented by Wisdom. 

© LoveWalkPublishing 
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved

Devotion:  Word Fences
(Adapted from Proverbs 18:4, 20; 19:14)
Verse 1
I’m going onward, 
I’m going forward, 
I’m going upward with faith words
All I’m gonna speak is faith words, 
I’m not gonna speak unbelieving words 
Doubt, fear and unbelief, 
They don’t belong to me 
They belong to the fearful
Doubt, fear and unbelief, 
They don’t belong to me 
They belong to the unbelieving

© LoveWalkMusic 
WordAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley 
All Rights Reserved 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

MIND FENCES / Building Fences

This is the 2nd of 5 devotions with the theme

from Galatians 5:22 
 “The Fruit of the Spirit is 
Temperance / Self Control

Rebecca Cooley
(Adapted from Isaiah 26:2-4; Galatians 5:22)

I believe everyone will agree that the world is out of control.  Life is more complicated than ever before.  People are defeated, desperately hurting, and in deception.  The family is under siege by an enemy that is determined to have our children.  To say that we must pray, seek God and hold on to what is ours and rescue those who have abandoned the faith is an understatement.  But in our busy world, how do we do this?  Do we just tie a knot and hold on? 

We do not tie a knot and hang on!  Instead of tying a knot, we build fences – mind fences.

“We are surrounded by the walls of God’s salvation. 
The Lord sets up salvation as walls and barricades.
He will guard him and keep him in perfect 
and constant peace
whose mind is stayed on Him.”

  Our minds are constantly and actively thinking about something.  From our to-do list to rehearsing problems and failures to presumptuous thoughts about what has not even happened yet, our minds are busy.  In this day, God needs his people to build fences around His salvation.  We do this by re-programing our minds with God’s truth, with praise and with prayer.  We hide the principles of God’s Word in our hearts to be called up in a time of need.   We guard our fences by not allowing the things of the world to come in and tear down what salvation has built.

Father, I begin the process of rebuilding broken fences of my mind.  I lay aside things that tear down the fences.  I abandon Godless things that take my time and energy away from You and what You need for me to do.  I am determined to renew my mind every morning by your Word and reinforce my fences and rebuild my fences.

Authored by RebeccaCooley

Devotion:  Mind Fences
(Adapted from Philippians 4:8;  2 Corinthians 10:5;  Psalms 101:3; Galatians 5:22)
Whatsoever things are true, 
Whatsoever things are honest, 
Whatsoever things are just, 
Whatsoever things are pure, 
Whatsoever things are lovely, 
Whatsoever things are of good report; 
And if there be any virtue, 
And if there be any praise, 
Think upon these things, 
Think upon these things,
Think upon these things 
We are building fences, 
Putting up defenses; 
We are building fences 
Around our minds
In every situation 
We’re casting down imagination, 
Bringing every thought 
Into obedience to Christ
I’m careful, what I allow 
Through the eye gate, 
I’m careful what I allow 
Through the ear gate
I will set no evil thing 
Before my eyes; 
I’ll allow no wicked thing to enter my ears

WordAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

Monday, April 24, 2017

SELF CONTROL / I Live My Life For You

This is the 1st of 5 devotions with the theme
from Galatians 5:22 

 “The Fruit of the Spirit is 
Temperance / Self Control

Rebecca Cooley

(Psalm 91; Galatians 5:22)

“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
shall remain stable and fixed 
under the shadow of the Almighty
                  whose power no foe can withstand.”

Those who live in the secret place of the Almighty have all of God’s benefits including safety, protection, rest and long life.  What is the secret place and how do I stay within the boundaries of this place in God?

The secret place is a place of abiding in God that keeps us within God’s boundaries.  Boundaries are borders that God has set up to keep us safe from the world of evil and sin.  We can choose to live within these boundaries and have all of these great benefits. 

The key to living in the secret place is temperance or self-control.  Probably the main reason the world is so out of control is because as individuals, people have lost the fruit of self-control. 

Self-control is defined as the power to control one’s feelings, desires, actions, reactions, emotions and composure.  Is this really possible without God’s help?  Looking at the world today, it appears not! 

But it is possible to live in the secret place in God and to stay within the boundaries he has established.  Joseph lived in this place of God and had the fruit of self-control.  Just the fruit of self-control in his life as a young man took him to the fullness of what his life was supposed to be.  He became a ruler and a leader that shaped the destiny of his people.  He lived in the secret place of the Most High God and it brought greats rewards in his life.  

There are no boundaries concerning our destinies with God.  He is boundless in his love for us and his desire for us to succeed.  There is no limit to what God will do with us and in us if we keep our souls within the boundaries of the secret place.  

Father, forgive me for stepping outside of your boundaries.  Forgive me for floundering on the edge of the boundaries that you have established for me.  I choose today to live inside the secret place.  I choose to make your dwelling place my place.  Help me to establish the fruit of self-control in my life and learn to use it to keep me within the place in you that will take me to great victories.  

© LoveWalkPublishing 
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley

(Galatians 5:22)
Verse 1
The fruit of the Spirit is Temperance, 
Self control, moderation (repeat)
Chorus 1
As I live my life for You, 
As I live my life before You,
As I live my life for You, 
Am I always staying in the boundaries? 
Am I always staying 
Where Your grace can reach me?
Am I always staying in the boundaries, 
Am I always staying in Your love?
Chorus 2
As I live my life for You, 
As I live my life before You,
As I live my life for You, 
Am I always staying in the boundaries? 
Am I always staying 
Where Your grace can reach me?
Am I always staying in the boundaries, 
Am I always staying in Your love?
If I will limit myself 
According to Your word, 
I will take the limits off of You,
I take the limits off of You!
© LoveWalkPublishing 
WordsAndMusic by 
Kent Clifford Cooley