Thursday, November 23, 2017

ONE OF THE TEN / Thank Him

This is a special Thanksgiving Theme Devotion And Video Presentation

Rebecca Cooley

Luke 17:12-19)

Jesus was coming! We called, “Master, have mercy on us!” We were lepers and outcasts so we didn’t get much news on the outskirts of Samaria where we lived. But we had heard that the Messiah was near and we were watching for him. I knew if I could just get close to Him, I would be made whole.

He heard us shouting and called, “Go at once and show yourselves to the priests!” I ran following the others. I could feel my skin changing even as I ran! His very words are healing me! By the time we got to the priests, we all looked at each other and couldn’t stop laughing and hugging each other. Our skin was clean! We stood for the longest time marveling over ourselves. The priests and others had many questions. But we all just wanted to go home. It had been so long since we had seen our families. I pulled back from the others and as much as wanted to go home, I wanted to see Him again, the One who had made me whole. I ran as fast as my feet would carry me.
I fell at his feet and gratitude poured out of me. I cried and thanked him. The Messiah reached down and pulled me up. “Were not there ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Get up and go on your way. Your faith has restored your health.” As I walked away, I couldn’t take my eyes off of my hands and arms. Not only were they clean but they were now whole!
Because this one leper returned with praise and thankfulness, he was given more than the other nine. The
others were healed but this one was made whole. He received back body parts that had been eaten away with the disease. When we are thankful, we get an upgrade.
Lord, I am thankful for healing, for correction, for grace and mercy, for you working powerfully in my life. I come like this leper and fall at your feet with honor and adoration at the wonder of who you are.

© LoveWalkPublishing
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved


Devotion: One of the Ten

(Luke 17:12-19)

Verse 1:

Ten lepers came to Jesus,

Their bodies racked with pain and decay

Jesus had compassion on them;
He touched them and they were cleansed
Verse 2:
The ten went on their way
And they had not gone very far
Til one of them was overwhelmed
And then looking back he left their company
He said friends, don’t you wait up for me
I’ve just got to go back and thank Him 
For all He’s done for me
He cleansed my body and soul 
And I know that I know
I’ve just got to go back and thank Him
Verse 2:
Jesus asked where are the other nine
Didn’t they come back with you
Then he touched him again
And not only was he cleansed
But the parts that had been missing 
Were there
He was made whole; 
He was the one who had said

He cleansed my body and soul
He made me every wit whole
I’ve just got to go back and thank him (repeat 3 times)

© LoveWalkPublishing Words and Music by KentCliffordCooley
Devotion by RebeccaAnnCooley / All Rights Reserved