Friday, March 10, 2017


This is the sixth of seven devotions and music videos 
with the theme from Galatians 5:22 
"The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness / Hospitality

Kent Cooley

(Adapted from Romans 14:1-3; 1 Corinthians 13:4)

Hospitality has a lot to do with the way we process thoughts.  Do I ever look at someone and say by my actions, “You are not like me, therefore I want to attempt to change you?  I want to try to create you in my image and after my likeness.”  So I go through a selfish process that violates love and is not conducive to hospitality.  Paul addresses this violation of love in his instruction to the Romans. 

As for the man who is a weak believer,
welcome him into your fellowship,
but not to criticize his opinion or pass judgment on his scruples
 or his sense of right and wrong;
and do not perplex him or confuse him,
do not belittle him, or cause doubt in him with discussions.

Paul further brings this issue into even greater perspective:

Let not him who eats look down or despise him who abstains,
and let not him who abstains criticize 
and pass judgment on him who eats;
for God has accepted and welcomed him.
Holy Spirit, shine Your light on any negative or critical thoughts inside of me concerning others.  I will not attempt to create others in my image.  I will think complimentary thoughts and speak gracious words about them.  You are their master, not me. You have created them in Your image and after Your likeness, not mine.  I honor You by welcoming them with an abundance of hospitality. 

© LoveWalkPublishing KentCliffordCooley 

Devotion: Developing Thoughts Of Hospitality  
As for the man who is the weak believer, 
Welcome him
But not to criticize, his opinions 
Or pass judgment on his scruples, 
His sense of right and wrong
Or to perplex him, confuse him, 
Belittle him, cause doubt in him with discussions 
Welcome, Welcome to our fellowship, 
Welcome, Welcome to our fellowship
You are our friend and we welcome you
God is your master, 
He has already welcomed you

© LoveWalkMusic 
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley 

Thursday, March 9, 2017

SOWING HOSPITALITY / When Timothy Arrives

This is the fifth of seven devotions and music videos 
with the theme from Galatians 5:22 
"The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness / Hospitality 

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:7; 16:10-11)

We were traveling years ago and arrived at a pastor's home for a meeting.  We would be there for a very short time and was excited about ministry and fellowship.  The first evening the pastor said, "Now, we are not going to entertain you.  We are busy people and don't have much time."  I know that he must have meant well and it was his way of saying, make yourselves at home but we immediately felt uncomfortable and sensed we were in the way.  The first morning, we were on our own. 

When we make people feel bad or slighted, we are making Jesus feel bad.  But when we make people feel valuable and good, we are not only making making them feel good but we are making Jesus feel good and we are getting involved in the currency of heaven.  The currency of heaven is love.  When we extend love, we are depositing into our heavenly account.  We don't make withdrawals from this account.  Instead, God sends blessings from the overflow of this account, some 30, some 60 and some 100 fold. 

Paul sent Timothy to the Corinthians to minister and to fellowship.  Paul told his host to see to it that Timothy was put at ease and made to feel comfortable when he arrives.  He told them not to slight him or make him feel less than valuable and when his visit was over, to send him on his way in peace. 

How much more should we follow these instructions of Paul on a daily basis?  Paul also says that loves bears up under everything that comes and is ever ready to believe the best of every person.  When we extend love to another individual, we are depositing currency into a heavenly account that God will use to send blessings to us in every area of our lives.  

 Father, love has hope and so do I.  Love is enduring and I show endurance when I show love.  As I walk through my day today and connect with all kinds of people, I am going to believe the best in them.  I am going to tolerate the difficulties that are presented to me today by people and love them.  I am going to make deposits into my heavenly account today.

"Child, my love never fails and my love extended through you never fails.  You are valuable to me and when you make others feel valuable, you bring me much joy."

© LoveWalkPublishing
Rebecca Ann Cooley
All Rights Reserved

Devotion: Sowing Hospitality
(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:7; 16:10-11)
When Timothy arrives see to it 
That you put him at ease, see to it
When Timothy arrives see to it 
That no one despises him or slights him
When Timothy arrives
Let everything you do be done in love
Let everything you do be inspired 
By God's love for us, 
By God's love working through us,
By God;s love for us, 
By God's love working through us.
Don't manipulate; 
Don't intimidate, 
Don't you dominate
These tactics are based in fear 
These tactics are not based in love
© LoveWalkMusic 
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley 

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


This is the forth of seven devotions and music videos 
with the theme from Galatians 5:22 
"The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness / Hospitality

Kent Cooley
(Adapted from John 21:1-4)

Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing!”
They said to him, “And we are coming with you!”
So they went out and got into the boat, 
and throughout that night they caught nothing.
Morning was already breaking 
when Jesus came to the beach and stood there.

Could you imagine Jesus coming to the shore that morning and scolding the disciples?  He would be screaming out to them in the boat and scolding them for returning to secular work.  They would have hung their heads in shame and come to the shore that morning feeling defeated and hopeless.

However, that is not how Love handled the disciples.  Jesus came to the shore in a friendly way and in a friendly way he shouted to them, “Boys! Have you caught anything?”  Not only did Jesus not scold them, but he prepared breakfast for them.  When the disciples came to the shore, excited over a boatload of fish, it was then that they recognized Jesus.  They sat down to breakfast probably talking and laughing and enjoying the fellowship. 

When everyone was full and relaxed, reclining after breakfast, it was then that Jesus addressed the issue to get them back on the course of their assignment.  The first thing Jesus addresses is the love factor.  He asked if Peter loved Him.  He wanted Peter to understand that he needed to be motivated by love.

People are never motivated by scolding.  It is never positive to make someone hold their head in shame. 

Father, forgive me for scolding.  I am a motivator of people but I am not successful when I get frustrated and work through scolding.  You motivate by love and I want to do the same. 
© LoveWalkPublishing 
All Rights Reserved

Devotion: Motivated By Hospitality
(Adapted from John 21:1-4)
Peter, James and John fishing on the sea
All days long their nets were light, 
Their fishing lines didn’t get a bite
About that time, Jesus said, 
“Cast your nets on the other side!”
When they obeyed, Jesus really made their day
Jesus really makes my day, 
He answers in so many ways
When I fall, He picks me up, 
When I thirst, He fills my cup
My days aren’t always weary; 
My nights are oh so dark
For when I pray, Jesus really makes my day
He didn’t come to the shore to rebuke them
He called out to them in a friendly way
He said, “Boys, have you caught anything?
And they said, “No.”
Then He said, 
“Cast your nets on the right side of the boat!” (3 times)
© LoveWalkMusic 
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley 
All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 6, 2017


This is the second of seven devotions and music videos 
with the theme from Galatians 5:22 
"The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness / Hospitality 

Kent Cooley

(Adapted from Romans 12:13, 1 Corinthians 13:4, Galatians 5:22)

Rebecca and I had the privilege of serving in a church in Stow Ohio in 1998-2000. I served as Music minister/ Associate Pastor. While we were there God anointed us to have a breaking bread ministry. We did not have services on Sunday night so we would look for people, from the congregation, who were not connecting with anybody and we would invite them over to have a meal with us, fellowship and play games. As we began to invite people over, the Lord began to cause thing to come to us to facilitate this ministry.

I remember going to an old junk store where everything was old and worn out except for a stunningly beautiful, brand new, round cherry table with four very comfortable, upholstered chairs that could almost pass for living room chairs. The price on the set was only $125.00. The owner over heard Rebecca say “If he would take $100.00 for the set I would buy it.” He replied, “You can have it for $100.00. After that, we started receiving all kinds of games, bread machines etc. These items have great sentimental value to me, even to this day because they are a product of a ministry close to the heart of God. Paul, the apostle instructs us to . . .

Pursue the practice of hospitality.

Webster defines Hospitality in these terms:

Friendly and welcoming, generous treatment offered to friends and to strangers.
Father, I forsake every kind of thought, word and action that does not promote hospitality. Continue to develop us in the gift of warmth and generosity.

My child, would you like to receive me into your home and around your table. As you welcome the least of these in your home and around your table, you are welcoming me. So pursue hospitality. In this way, as you will dwell and continue in love, dwell and continue in Me and I will dwell and continue in you! 
 I am love!
© LoveWalkPublishing KentCliffordCooley

(Adapted from Romans 12:13)
Verse 1: 
How are you? 
We noticed you are new, 
W e’d like to get to know you,
We’d like to have your over 
For a meal next Sunday afternoon
Would that work for you?
Pursue the practice of hospitality, 
Pursue the practice of hospitality,
Friendly and welcoming 
Generous treatment offered to friends
And to those who are new (Repeat)
© LoveWalkMusic
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

Sunday, March 5, 2017


This is the first of seven devotions and music videos 
with the theme from Galatians 5:22 
"The Fruit of the Spirit is Goodness / Hospitality

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from Luke 9:48)

Have you ever invited someone into your home to stay for an extended period of time?  Have you ever included someone on a trip that was meant just for your family?  Have you ever set another place at the dinner table because of an unexpected guest?  Have you ever knelt down to the eye level of a child and listened to his question and answered it?  Have you ever sat with a teenager and listened to their story?  Have you ever sat with an elderly person and talked about their past? 

If you can answer yes to any of the above questions, you have extended the love of the Father. 

Jesus said that if we welcome even a little child on His behalf, we are welcoming Him and if we welcome Him, we welcome His Father. 

Jesus extended the ultimate agape love of the Father when He went to the cross.  The blood that was shed that day rolled out a red carpet for all mankind.  There is no greater act of love than this. 

Father, the next time an opportunity is presented to me to give of myself or to give something that is precious to me, help me to remember that your Son rolled out the red carpet for me.  I too want to roll out the red carpet of your love by extending it to others. 

"Child, whoever is least among you is the greatest.  The smallest thing done in the name of Love becomes great in My eyes."
 © LoveWalkPublishing
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley

Devotion:  The Least Of These
(Adapted from Luke 9:48)

Verse 1:
Hanging on the cross his blood was streaming down
For the least of these
Hanging on the cross his blood was streaming down
For you for me

Roll out the red carpet,
Hanging on the cross between two thieves
Roll out the red carpet for you and me
And for the least of these

Verse 2:
He who receives and accepts and welcomes
The least of these
Receives and accepts and welcomes me
He who receives and accepts and welcomes me
Sees and accepts and welcomes him who sent me

© LoveWalkMusic
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley