This is the 7th in a series of 7 devotions
and music videos
with the theme from Galatians 5:22
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Joy
Rebecca Cooley
(Nehemiah 8:10)
God’s Word is perfect. It has the power to change our hearts and to restore us into right standing with God. The Word of God has the power to shed light on our path and give us the hope of eternity. It has the power to make us wise and heal our bodies. The Word has the power to keep us from sin and the power to defeat the enemy of our souls. God’s Word has the power to travel via the words of our mouth around the world and it has the ability to accomplish that which God intends. The Word is always relevant and never out of date or out of style. It is always appropriate and fitting for every situation. Because the Word of God is perfect and complete, it has the power to give us joy. And that joy becomes our strength.
One’s success in life is calculated by joy. If we have true joy, it means we have meditated on the Word and followed its precepts and accomplished victories and achievements on a daily basis. Only God’s Word has the power to give us success daily and that is the source of joy.
Father, I believe Your Word and I place Your Word on the highest place in my heart. I live by Your Word and I make decisions based on the guidance of Your Word. It gives me great joy to know that my days are successful and my assignments will be complete because the Word is made flesh and lives inside of me! What a marvelous truth! What a joy!
Authored by Rebecca Ann Cooley
All Rights Reserved
Father, we believe that we receive and impartation of joy, not the kind that the world give but we receive Your joy. We receive joy unspeakable and full glory.
Devotion: The Joy of the Word
(Nehemiah 8:10)
For this day is holy to the Lord
And not grief-some or depressed
For the joy of the Lord is my strength
And my stronghold
Chorus 1
What a joy to know You are mine
What a joy to know to I am saved
What a joy to know that I am on my way
I’m on my way to all He has for me
I’m on my way to the victory
I’m on my way,
I am one of the redeemed
WordsAndMusic by Kent Clifford Cooley
All Rights Reserved
Every 7th devotion is offering day on the DailyLoveWalk
Your donations will help us to produce
new devotions and music videos.
Your donations will help us to produce
new devotions and music videos.
We were delighted receive a sponsorship
of one devotion and song this week.
of one devotion and song this week.
A sponsorship is $100 which sponsors 8 to 12 hours in the recording studio to enabling us to produce
one new devotion and music video.
one new devotion and music video.
Thank you for your obedience to the Lord concerning giving.
Love Offerings and sponsorships can be sent by mail to:
Kent And / Or Rebecca Cooley / 15 Trexler Ave /Thomasville NC 27350.
When you sponsor a devotion and music video, we will send you a CD and DVD of the song and video. we would also include that the devotion and music video is sponsored by you in honor of a loved one or any variation of that.
When you sponsor a devotion and music video, we will send you a CD and DVD of the song and video. we would also include that the devotion and music video is sponsored by you in honor of a loved one or any variation of that.
Our on-line giving is not functional yet
but will be soon