This is the 2nd of 3 devotions and music videos
with the theme
with the theme
Rebecca Cooley
(Adapted from John 21:18-25; Matthew 16:24)
Rebecca Cooley
I was grieved that the Lord asked me three times if I loved Him. We were still on the beach reclining after breakfast and talking about the future. Then the Lord tells me that there will be trials if I choose to follow Him. When He said, “Follow Me” again, His words came back to me, “If anyone desires to be My disciple, let him forget about himself and his own interests and take up his cross and follow Me. If you desire to be My disciple, you will need to cleave to Me and conform wholly to My example in living and, if need be, in dying for My cause.”
How gently and lovingly the Master realigned us with His plan and purpose for our lives.
Lord, I am grateful that You have called me with a holy calling and have secured eternity for me. Thank you for the cross and for all the benefits and blessings of the redemption. I love Your word. I love Your people . I love You. I love lost humanity. I am willing to be your servant no matter what happens before eternity begins for me. I pledge allegiance to You. I pledge allegiance to the Lamb of God.
© LoveWalkPublishing
All Rights Reserved
(Adapted from John 21:18-25; Matthew 16:24)
Lord I want to be one of Your disciples,
Lord I want to be one of Your disciples
Verse 1
If you’ll deny yourself,
Take up your cross
And follow Me
You can be one of My disciples
One of My disciples
Verse 2
Lord I deny myself,
I take up my cross,
I follow You,
I’m one of Your disciples
© LoveWalkPublishing WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved