This is the 1st of 1 devotions with the theme of
“The Word Of God”
Because of God's love for us
He has given us His inspired Word!
Because of God's love for us
He has given us His inspired Word!
Kent Clifford Cooley
(Adapted from John 17:6-9)
One day our daughter, Hannah, when she was only 5 years old, was playing and all of a sudden she developed a high fever and laid down on the couch. I went over and laid my hands on her and said, “Father, by the stripes of Your Son Jesus, Hannah is healed.” That is all I did. Within a few minutes she was back playing. The fever left as quickly as it came. In my emotions, I could have operated in fear. I could have begged and cried over her and never spoken the Word over her. Jesus wants us to understand the simplicity and power of the Word. The manifestation does not always present itself for our human eyes to see as clearly as this time, but by faith we should believe the Word has accomplished something every time we speak it.
In John 17 we receive insight on how the Intercessor intercedes to the Father on our behalf all the time. In verses 1-5 He presents Himself to the Father. In verses 6-9 He presents people to the Father. Jesus presents His people and His Word to the Father.
In like manner, we present ourselves and the Word to the Father. I have spent much of my Christian life begging God with little results. I have learned that begging prayers are ineffective and Word based prayers are very powerful and effective. However I have learned to simply apply the Word of God to every issue of my life.
Father, thank You for Your Word. I am learning how powerful it is and how effective it can be in my life. I am hungry for Your Word. I am hungry for more of You. Holy Spirit, remind me at the times I need it so desperately, the powerful Word of the Living God that I have sown into my mind and heart.
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Devotion: The Word Applied
(Adapted from John 17:6-9)
I have wasted a lot of time begging
But I have learned effective prayer
Is when I apply the Word
Apply the Word to your life
By the stripes of Your Son Jesus I am healed
Apply the Word to every situation
All things work together for the good
I apply the Word
When I see the blood I will pass over you
They applied the blood on their doorposts
I apply Your blood on the doorpost of my heart
I apply Your Word to every concern
© LoveWalkPublishing
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved