Saturday, August 19, 2017

THE SECURITY OF LOVE / Stepping In The Steps

This is the 6th of 6 devotions with the theme from 1 Corinthians 13:7
"Love Bears Up Under Everything And Anything That Comes”

Kent And Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from John 10:28; Malachi 4:2)

We had just moved to a new location to work closely with a ministry. We had been studying Scriptures on the love walk for several months. Then something happened to test our love walk. We have come to realize that when life happens, it presents us with an opportunity to walk it out in love.

We found a house for rent. It needed extensive cleaning and repairs but it was a good house in a very nice neighborhood. We made a verbal agreement with the landlord that we would clean and work on the house and turn in the receipts to subtract from the rent and charge no labor. After two months of intensive cleaning and maintenance we turned in the receipts.

I called the landlord about the verbal agreement and she decided that she was not willing to deduct the amount of the receipts from the rent and demanded full payment. My first instinct was to argue with her and stand up for my rights. I hesitated to gather my thoughts and instruct my mind to put love in practice. I was not only careful with my words but I was very careful with the tone of my voice.

Complaining and arguing come across in words but murmuring is represented by a sound. My flesh wanted to be offended and demand my rights. But love instructs me to turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, speak with kindness and gentleness and be peaceful. These things ran through my mind in the seconds before I spoke.
My response to my landlord was, “When we came here we said we wanted to be a blessing to you and this looks like our opportunity. We will gladly pay the full rent and I will continue to work on your house until we leave.”

Sometime later, we moved out on the tenth of the month. We decided to give her a full month’s rent for 10 days. We did not get a thank you from her but we did receive a thank you from God. In less than one month at a new location and church, a man invited us to live in his home rent free. He offered us his nice brick home with a two car garage in a nice neighborhood at the end of a cul de sac. He said, “The Lord spoke to me early this morning and said to offer the house to the Cooley’s rent free.” He also provided paint and two painters to repaint the whole inside. He informed us that he was not our landlord and to enjoy living there as long as we needed it.

I have often wondered if this would have happened if I had handled myself differently with the landlord. We sowed good seed and we reaped by God causing men to pour into our account.

Part of the revelation I received from this experience is this. No one can take my blessing from me except myself. When I maintain the right words in my mouth and the right tone in my voice, I walk it out in love. As I dwell and continue in love, I dwell and continue in God and God dwells and continues in me. When I stay connected to love, no one can snatch me out of His hands.

Lord, thank you for insight, by experience, as I walk it out in love. I need to be tested to bring out the reverence and respect that I have for You. I do revere and respect You and believe my response to others proves this. I desire that feeling of joy from responding to opposition in the right way just like a calf released from his stall and leaping for joy at freedom. Love sets me free from self.

© LoveWalkConnectionPublishing Kent And RebeccaCooley

(Adapted from John 10:28; Malachi 4:2)
Like a little child stepping in the steps,
I’m stepping in the steps of the Messiah.
Like a little child stepping in the steps,
I’m stepping in the steps of the Messiah.
I’m walking it out like You did.
I’m walking it out like You did.
I’m walking it out like You did.
Stepping in the steps of the Messiah
© LoveWalkConnectionPublishing Words And Music by KentCliffordCooley

Thursday, August 17, 2017

LOVE'S AUTHORITY / Love's Authority

This is the 5th of 6 devotions from
1 Corinthians 13:7

“Love Bears Up Under Everything And Anything That Comes”

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:7; John 5:43)

Is it possible that we have religious leaders today just like the leaders that opposed Jesus when He walked on the earth? There were men who came to the temple in the name of the law and in their own power and authority and people esteemed them highly and listened and followed them. They thought they were right in the eyes of God. Jesus came in the Father’s name and with His power and their hearts were not open to Him. They did not approve because they refused Love’s authority.

What happens today when a religious leader retires? What happens when people no longer follow their authority because he or she is growing weaker with age? What happens when their own power runs out and no one is listening anymore? A person can go in his own power and authority for just so long. What is in that person’s heart will expose itself. I am aware of one man who ranked high in the religious aura of his day. People listened to him and followed him until he retired. Now the man has little authority. He substituted the wrong authority for many years. He thought he was right in the eyes of God but he refused Love’s authority. When you follow this man’s life, very little of the fruit of love is manifesting in his personal life as age takes its toll. He used God’s name in vain at the height of his own glory and now there is no power in that name for him. Although his years of influence are past he can humble himself even now and receive Love’s authority.

My grandmother was not a religious leader but she loved the Lord and followed Love’s authority. When she grew old and was going through the last stages of Alzheimer’s, she did not even know her children but she knew Jesus. She would look into my face and not recognize me. But when we would sing the hymns, she would sing just like she always did. She talked to Jesus like He was right beside her. It was obvious that Jesus was in her heart and spirit and at times. She had the authority of Love in her heart and it brought Jesus to the forefront of her mind residually and at all times. When she grew old and her mind was failing her, Love’s authority stayed strong inside of her heart.

Lord, I want Love to reign supreme in my life. I yield to Love’s authority now. And when I am old, I want someone to come and sit down beside me and still feel Love’s authority. My heart is open to Your power in my life. I give you permission to align my thoughts and attitudes with Love’s authority by the power of Your Spirit.

© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley

(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7; John 5:43)
When the pressures of life bear down on me
I pray that you’ll still be able to see
The fruit of love, patience and kindness, gentleness and humility
Love reigns supreme in my life
I yield to Love’s authority
Love’s authority (repeat)
When I am older and growing weaker
May Your love grow stronger,
Your love reigns, Your love reigns,
Your love reigns supreme
© LoveWalkMusic WordsMusic by KentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


This is the 4th of 6 devotions with the theme
From 1 Corinthians 13:7 And Galatians 5:22
"Love Bares Up Under Everything 
and Anything That Comes”

Kent Clifford Cooley

(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:7; Matthew 4:19; John 19:25-27)

The apostle John is referred to as ‘the Apostle of Love.’ He could also be referred to as the Lord’s best friend. John was perfected in love. Love was the main topic of all of his writings. His love for the Savior was the kind of love mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:7.

“Love bears up under anything and everything that comes.”

The Savior Himself told Peter that he would deny Him three times and he quoted the prophecy“When they strike the shepherd, the sheep will scatter.” Indeed, the disciples did scatter. They not only left, but they hid in fear. But because there is no fear in love, John did not run and hide. He was the only apostle that came unafraid to the foot of the cross with the two Marys. He was a faithful friend that endured until the end.

Some other interesting facts about John are that he is the only apostle that was not martyred.History reveals that they tried to boil him in oil but he would not boil. Then they gouged out his eyes and put him on the Isle of Patmos. That is where he had divine encounters and saw visions and wrote the book of Revelations. He could not lose because he was perfected in love. Personally, he is my favorite apostle and one of my top heroes of the faith.

Jesus, You are the kind of friend that bears up under anything and everything that comes and endures to the end. You proved that beyond any doubt at Calvary. I want to love like you love and be this kind of friend to others. Thank you for the example of your servant John. His example inspires me to love this way. I do so by the divine ability of the same divine agape love that was working in John. It is working in me now and I live a life of agape love.

© LoveWalkPublishing KentCliffordCooley

Devotion: The Lord’s Best Friend
(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:7; Mathew 4:19; John 19:25-27)
Verse 1:
They were just fishin’, thinking it was just another day to make a living
Then Jesus passed by their way
The same voice that spoke when the world began
Said come and follow me and I will make you fishers of men
Oh what an apostle, a holy man of God
Oh what an apostle, he walked where angels trod
He loved the Father / He prayed and prayed and prayed
Lord give us apostles, holy men of God like this today
Verse 2:
His name was John / He became the Lord’s best friend
He was a faithful friend, one who endured until the end
At the foot of the cross stood the two Marys and John
He wrote epistles telling us about the love of God
© LoveWalkMusic WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

Tuesday, August 15, 2017


This is the 3rd of 6 devotions with the theme
From 1 Corinthians 13:7 And Galatians 5:22
"Love Bares Up Under Everything and Anything That Comes”
The Fruit Of the Spirit Is Longsuffering

Kent Clifford Cooley

(Adapted from Romans 12:15)

I had the worship service all planed out. The singers and musicians had practiced. The overhead projector was ready for the song selection for Sunday morning. We received a phone call that our churches celebrated 29 day old new born baby was not breathing and had been air lifted to Pit Memorial hospital. We were all praying and hoping but later received the news that Braden had passed away. Our hearts broke for this young couple in our church.

I realized that the joyful song service which featured a banjo on some of the songs had now become inappropriate. The Holy Spirit reminded me of the scripture that says . . .

Rejoice with those who rejoice (sharing others’ joy),
and weep with those who weep (sharing others’ grief).

I sought the Lord over last minute changes. Last minute changes are challenging for everyone involved. I made a major effort to hear and obey the leading of the Holy Spirit concerning the songs. Our church was in crisis. It was appropriate to weep with those who weep.

© LoveWalkPublishing KentCliffordCooley

ROMANS 12:15
Devotion: Weep With Those Who Weep
(Adapted from Romans 12:15)
Rejoice with those who rejoice, sharing their joy
Weep with those who weep, sharing their grief . . .

© LoveWalkMusic WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
Devotion by KentCliffordCooley

Monday, August 14, 2017

THE LOVE WALK WAY / More Than Conquerors

This is the 2nd of 6 devotions with the theme from
1 Corinthians 13:7
"Love Bares Up Under Everything And Anything That Comes"
"The Fruit Of Spirit Is Longsuffering"

Kent Clifford Cooley

(Romans 8:36-37; Luke 6:27-38)

When we chose the love walk way described by Jesus in Luke 6:27-38, humility may feel a lot like humiliation. However our Commander and Chief gave us these instructions:

· Love your enemies
· Treat well, do good to, act nobly toward those who detest you and pursue you with hatred
· Invoke blessings upon and pray for the happiness of those who curse you
· Implore God’s blessings, favor upon those who abuse you, who revile, reproach, disparage, and high-handedly misuse you.
· To the one who strikes you on the jaw or cheek, offer to him the other jaw or cheek also
· From him who takes your garment, do not withhold your undergarment as well.
· Give away to everyone who begs of you, who is in want of necessities.
· Of him who takes away your goods, do not demand or require them back again.
· Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Father, I thank you for instruction. I adapt Your way of thinking and doing as my way of thinking and doing. When I am wronged I will not return evil for evil. But instead I overcome evil with good.

© LoveWalkPublishing KentCliffordCooley

(Romans 8:36-37; Luke 6:27-38)
Consider Him who endured such controversy of sinner against Himself
Lest you be weary lest you be faint, keep this in mind
We look like sheep led to the slaughter
But no we are more than conquers through Him who loved us
And looked like a sheep led to the slaughter
Yet He spoiled principalities,
Made a show of them openly
Triumphing over them in it
Through Him we are more than conquers.
Deny yourself take up your cross and follow me
Deny yourself and you will be one of My disciples
Through Love we are more than conquers
© LoveWalkMusic
Words and Music by

Sunday, August 13, 2017


This is the 1st of 6 devotions with the theme
From 1 Corinthians 13:7
"Love Bares Up Under Everything And Anything That Comes”

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from 1 Cor. 13:7; Galatians 5:22 2 Timothy 2:3; Matthew 13:45)

"Did you see what she did? Did you hear what he said?! She is not going to get away with that! He deserved everything that he got! He is reaping what he sowed. How could she be so blind? How could he do that to me?" How many times have I used these sentences? Is it possible to intertwine unconditional love in between these words?

Love says, "I bear up under anything and everything that comes. I endure suffering. I put up with someone who is unpleasant. I carry through to the end, despite any hardships. I suffer patiently without yielding. I cover sin."

Lord, I want to walk in love. I want to do what Love says to do. Holy Spirit, train me to use my words to cover and not to condemn.

Child, look at the way I made a pearl oyster and imitate her. A hurtful particle may intrude the oyster's shell and try to settle down and live inside of her. The foreign particle hurts and grieves the oyster. But because it cannot eject it, it covers it with a precious substance extracted out of its own life. This process turns the intruder into a pearl. Something that is meant for harm is covered and changed into a beautiful thing. Only love can accomplish the pearl of great price in you. My kingdom is like a man who is a dealer in search of fine and precious pearls. One single pearl is worth selling all that he has to buy it. Would you be willing to create some pearls of patience, gentleness and forgiveness by covering sin? You can turn a curse into a blessing with the covering of patience. Let the injury be inflicted and forgive it. Be silent and do not allow words to provoke you. You can cover evil with faith. Believe that I love the person inflicting harm and look to me for strength to show them love. You can cover evil with hope. Rest in the expectation that love will win. Know that gentleness is stronger than malice and that it will win. You can cover evil with perseverance. You will win the battle with steadfast non-resistance.

©LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley

Carry On
(Adapted from 1 Cor. 13:7; Matthew 16:24; 2 Timothy 2:3)
Unless you take up your cross and follow me
You cannot be my disciples
I bore all their sin; I loved every one of them
Come and follow me and love every man
Carry on under everything and everyone
Carry on no matter what may come
Love bears up under anything, under everything
So carry on, carry on
©LoveWalkMusic WordsAndMusicbyKentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved