Friday, January 13, 2017


This is the 4th of 4 devotions with the theme
"Love Is Our Highest Priority"


Song: A New Commandment
(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:13; John 13:1-35)

The book of John records the love walk of Jesus, the Messiah. As John records the last supper, he begins by focusing on the greatness of the love that Jesus had for His disciples. He described better than any other apostle, the full extent of God’s love for mankind.

“He loved them to the last and to the highest degree.”

Love was expressed through humility as the Savior washed His disciple’s feet. As Jesus continued the tradition of the Seder meal, He took the bread and broke it and He took the cup and drank from it. As He shared the bread and the cup with these men, He was revealing to them, for the first time, that He alone was the fulfillment of this yearly tradition of the Passover. His very words pierced their hearts to the highest degree of love ever shown.

“This is my body broken for you.”
This is the blood of the New Testament
shed for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

In the next few days, as He gave His life as a ransom for the sins of the world, He loved the entire world with the very highest degree of love also.

Father, thank you that Your love has not changed down through the ages. You love me with the same degree of love that you displayed to the disciples at that last Seder meal. You had me on Your mind when You were on the cross. Your flesh was broken and your blood was shed for me. I receive Your love. I receive everything You have for me. Pierce my heart with love. Give me a revelation of this divine love that will live through eternity.

©LoveWalkPublishing KentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved

Devotion: Love in the Highest Degree
(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:13; John 13:1-35)
He loved them to the last and to the highest degree
Preparing a wash basin He washed His disciples feet /
Then He said . . .
A new commandment give I to you,
Love one another just as I have loved you. (Repeat)
By this shall all men know that you are my disciples,
By your love, by your love
Your love for one for another, your love for one for another
©LoveWalkMusic WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved

Every Friday is offering day on the DailyLoveWalk

Every completed devotion involves 8 to 12 hours to produce.

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Our goal is to produce 7 devotions for each of 52 subjects
We can accomplish much more with your finacial and prayerful parnership than we can accomplish without your finacial and prayerful parnership.
Online giving is not working at this time however
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Checks may be made payable to 
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Kent and Rebecca Cooley / 15 Trexler Ave

Thomasville NC 27360

Thursday, January 12, 2017


This is the 3rd of 4 devotions and songs
with the theme

"Love Is Our Highest Priority"

(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:13; John 13:34)

“Just as I have loved you, 
so you too should love one another.
This is the way that all men 
will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another.

There are two things that I have got to get right as a believer. The first is to love God with everything that is inside of me, and second, to love people.Everything else hinges on these two things – faith, hope, all of the fruit of the Spirit, deliverance, prosperity, healing – all of these things must have the foundation of love in order to manifest in the life of a believer.

Love is not a feeling. Love is a decision. Love is a decision I make to put God first place in my life. And love is a decision I make moment by moment to treat people the way that Jesus would treat them.

Love will always cost us something. Walking in love requires personal sacrifice. Each time we choose to love someone, it will involve time, money or effort on our part. As I make an effort to walk in love and concentrate on making love top priority in my life, my own selfishness will be exposed.Walking in love is a process that requires a decision and a development that takes time and effort.

Father, Reduce me to love today. I make room in my heart and in my day for You, it is my heart’s desire to walk in love. Your presence makes me want to love people. I fully intend to create an atmosphere around me that will be inviting to people to want to get to know You.

© LoveWalkPublishing Authored by RebeccaCooley
All Rights Reserved

Devotion: The Decision to Love
(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:13; John 13:34)
Complicated as we can be, complicated,
Lord change everything about me
Remind me to love You Lord with all my heart
Remind me to love my neighbor even as myself
Reduce me to love
Reduce me to love
I want to love You
Reduce me to love
Reduce me to love
That I may love with the same love
Whereby You have loved me, reduce me
More of You and less of me
Lord, this is how it’s got to be
Consuming fire of Your love
Burn up everything that is unlike Thee
© LoveWalkMusic
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


This is the 2nd of 4 devotions with the theme
Love Is Our Highest Priority

by Rebecca Cooley
(Matthew 22:38-40; 1Corinthians 13:13)
Picture in your mind a huge, very long curtain rod. Written across the rod is the word, LOVE. Now picture shades pulled down with words written on the shades. You pull down a shade and see the word, PEACE. Another shade reveals the word, JOY; another PROSPERITY; another HEALING and another DELIVERANCE. You pull down hundreds of shades with words that you are sure are inside the will of the Father. Each shade hangs on the rod of LOVE. Love connects all of the things that are written on the shades to God. Every one of them hangs on the rod of love. If the shade does not hang on the rod of love, it is useless.
Father, I want to appropriate the nature of Your Son and be like Him. I want to develop Your love in my life. I want to practice love and pull from the rod of love for the things I need and the things I see that other people need and expect them to manifest. I want to see Your goodness and Your glory in my life. You are love. Your commandment of love is my foundation and the rod that connects your promises to my life.
Child, my greatest and most important commandment is to love Me with all your heart and soul. I am the root of love. Love me with your intellect and your emotions, with everything inside of you and then put that love into practice by loving people. These two commandments sum up every prophecy. All the law and the prophets hang on the law of love.

Devotion: The Rod of Love
(Matthew 22:38-40; 1 Corinthians 13:13)
Teacher. Which commandment is the greatest,
The most important?
Some commandments are light,
Which commandments are heavy?
Jesus answered
Love the Lord your God with all your heart
With all your mind
With all your might
With all your strength
Love your neighbor even as yourself
Every good and perfect gift
Every law, every prophecy
Hangs on the law of love
©LoveWalkPublishing Words and Music by KentCliffordCooley
Devotion by RebeccaAnnCooley

Monday, January 9, 2017


This is the first of 5 devotions and music videos 
with the theme
Love Is Our Highest Priority


by Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:13; Galatians 5:14-16; Lev 19:18)
“So faith, hope, love abide . . . . but the greatest of these is love –
the true affection for God and man, growing out of God’s love for and in us.”
“You shall love your neighbor as you do yourself.”
I so want to keep these commandments of God. I want to make these commandments my highest priority because I want to please my Creator whom I am in love with and show Him the highest respect and honor. And as I make these commandments first place in my life, I open doors of blessings that no enemy can stop.
The way that God’s love operates through me to affect those around me, hinges on these truths. When I walk in love toward another person, I am placing value on their life. When I do this, I create an atmosphere around me of the presence of God. I don’t have to be concerned about what I am going to do to change the world or make a difference in my community. I don’t have to pray for hours for God to change a situation. As I walk in these two commandments, God walks with me and the atmosphere around me becomes full of His presence and He does the work. He walks through the doors of love that I create.
Father, thank you for the revelation of your greatest commandment. I choose to give you a place in my heart and in my life to work and move on the behalf of others. I will create an atmosphere of Your divine presence around me today by walking in love toward others.

Devotion: Love Is Our Highest Priority
(1 Corinthians 13:13; Galatians 5:14-16; Lev 19:18)
The whole Law concerning human relationships is complied in the one precept,
You shall love your neighbor as you do yourself.
Verse 2:
The whole Law concerning human relationships is complied in this one precept,
But if you bite and devour one another in partisan strife,
Be careful that you and your whole fellowship are not consumed by one another.
But I say walk and live responsive and controlled and guided by the Spirit
But I say walk and live , walk and live, walk and live in love
©LoveWalkMusicWordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
Devotion by RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved