This is the 5th of 5 devotions
with the theme from Galatians 5:22
"The Fruit of the Spirit is Love"
"Our Love 4 One Another"
“Love the stranger and sojourner.” When I read this scripture, I did a ‘friend-stranger’ examination on myself. Do I have homely friends? Do I have friends that are not fully accepted in society or in church? Do I have friends who do not act just right all the time? Do I have friends who need to learn to walk in love? Are these types of people strangers to me? Would I befriend someone in need? Can I love someone who is not like me?
A few years ago while serving in a church that did not have Sunday evening services, we decided to have a breaking bread ministry according to Acts 2:42 on Sunday nights. We looked for families to invite over who were not connecting with others at church. As I look back on this season, I can think of only one family that we became close friends with and still keep in touch. We mostly made friends with strangers, people who were not like us and people we would not choose to be our close friends.
Lord, I want to develop my love walk to include strangers and sojourners. As you put people in my path, anoint me to love them according to your Word in Deuteronomy 10:19. Because You love me, I can treat people warm. I am Your hands and Your embrace. I am the expression of Your love to all people, even strangers.
© LoveWalkPublishing Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley
Devotion: Love The Stranger
(Adapted from Deuteronomy 10:19)
You are my hands
You are my feet
You are extensions of Me
You are my hands reaching out to them
You are my warm embrace to the stranger in your land
Love the stranger
Cloth and feed them
Be my witnesses.
They are your neighbor (Repeat)
Love the stranger
© LoveWalkMusic WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley