This is the fourth of five devotions and songs
with the theme
"Our Love For God"
"Our Love For God"
Rebecca Cooley
(Adapted from Luke 7:37-50)
Rebecca Cooley
(Adapted from Luke 7:37-50)
There are two accounts in scripture of a woman crying and pouring ointment on Jesus’ feet and wiping them with her hair. In John 12 Mary, Lazarus’ sister, who was also a good friend of Jesus, did the same thing as the woman in Luke 7. It does not appear that these two scriptures refer to the same woman. The woman referred to in Luke 7 could be Mary Magdalene.
Jesus was dining at Simon’s house. An especially sinful woman heard that He was there and came. She stood behind him for a time weeping. Then she began to wet his feet with her tears and wipe them with her hair. She affectionately kissed his feet and anointed them with the perfume she had brought. Do you think that this woman knew that this was the Son of God and He had the power to forgive sin and make her clean?
Simon stood back watching with indignation. His thoughts were that if this man were a prophet, he would know that he should not allow this woman to touch him.
Jesus not only accepted the woman’s act of worship but he confronted Simon’s wrong thinking. He explained to Simon that the woman had obtained freedom from sin because she acknowledged her love and was sorry for sin. Jesus indicated that Simon did not love much because he didn’t feel he had much to be forgiven.
The woman came to Jesus just as she was in her sin. She came, loving him and worshiping him in a state of sin. Jesus told her that her faith saved her. The fact that she came to Jesus and poured out her heart by her actions, opened the door to forgiveness and restoration.
Lord, am I like Simon who is self righteous and questions your tactics? Lord, I want to be like the woman who came to you and poured herself out before you, even in her sin. I want to run to you when I have wronged someone or embraced wrong thinking. I love you and desire to express my love to you just like this woman. My faith expresses my love for you.
© LoveWalkPublishing
Authored by RebeccaAnnCooley
Devotion: Faith Expressing Love
(Adapted from Luke 7:37-50)
She loved him,
She valued him so much
She loved him,
She came to him just as she was
Washing his feet with her tears,
Drying his feet with her hair (repeat)
Anointing his feet with perfume,
The sweet essence then filled the room
Her sins which are many are forgiven (repeat)
© LoveWalkPublishing
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley