Thursday, August 31, 2017

OUR JOB DESCRIPTION / Love Your Neighbor

This is the first of 1 devotion with the theme
"God Is love"
with the help of our partners
we will be developing 
7 devotions and songs for this and every subject

Kent Clifford Cooley

(Adapted from Romans 13:8-10; 1 Corinthians 13)

Have you ever thought about our job description as believers? Just consider how McDonald's employees must go through training when they first join the company. No matter what their disposition may be, they are trained to wear a happy face and say, “Welcome to McDonald's!” They may never crack a smile or show themselves friendly at any other time of the day, but their new job description at McDonald's requires them to be pleasant and smile during their working hours. These employees are trained to do what will bring the company favor and attract customers to return.

In a sense, we have a job description as a believer. However, God is not our employer. He is our Commander In Chief! He is our Leader and His name is Love. We too, go through training, although our training in love is far more extensive than an employee for McDonald's. Our job description is defined in 1 Corinthians 13 and we are encouraged to act like Love all the time because we are always on the job!

Father, I submit myself to the training of love. I may have been on the job for some time but I still need Your training. Take me through the basics of love again and again. You are Love. As I am learning to be like love, I am learning to be like You.
© LoveWalkPublishing KentCliffordCooley

(Adapted from Romans 13:8-10; 1 Corinthians 13)
Verse 1
He who loves his neighbor,
Who practices love,
Fulfills every law that God has ever given.
Love your neighbor even as you do yourself (Repeat)
Verse 2
Endure long, be patient and kind,
Don’t be envious or jealous
If you brag, brag on them . . .
Verse 3
Be considerate of their opinion
Don’t insist on your own rights and ways
Don’t be touchy, fretful or resentful
Take no account of a suffered wrong
Verse 4
Don’t rejoice at injustice
But rejoice when right and truth prevail
Bear up under anything and everything
Always believe the best every man,
Woman boy and girl,
© LoveWalkPublishing WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley