Sunday, August 10, 2014

SELFLESSNESS = LOVE / Love Conquers All

This is the 1st of 7 devotions with the theme
From 1 Corinthians 13:5
"Love Is Not Self Seeking”

Song: Love Conquers All
(Adapted from 1 Corinthians 13:5; 2 Corinthians 2:10)

It is important that we stay familiar with satan’s evil schemes and not allow him to outsmart us. It is equally important that we not allow him to get an advantage over us or get the upper hand. We must stay familiar with his evil schemes and not allow him to put us in a position to be led by his wiles and intentions. And it is imperative that we do this daily.

The secret to our success is love. You may notice that at the end of a challenging day, where it seemed the enemy was setting you up constantly, that his greatest tactic was selfishness. With each challenge, he will strive to get your mind off of others and off of the One who lives inside of you, and center your thinking on your own needs, desires, wants and ways.

“That was offensive to me!”
“Why did he do that?”
“Does she know she is making me late?”
“I have told you the answer to that question already!”
“I am tired!”

If the enemy can deceive us by putting our own selfish desires above everyone and everything, then he has caused us to step out of selflessness into selfishness and right into his territory. But if we are aware of the enemy of love, we can recognize his schemes and tactics and stop him in his tracks.

“No, devil! I refuse to take that thought!”
“No, devil, I refuse to give in to that negative reasoning!”
“I choose to put myself last!”
“I choose to walk in love!”

Father, you are the author of my love walk. You are the One who lives inside of me and teaches me and trains me for kingdom living. I yield my life and my love walk to you. I resist the enemy by refusing to give place to selfishness. The world does not revolve around me creating a place for selfishness. My world revolves around others creating a place for love.

© LoveWalkPublishing 
Devotion authored by RebeccaAnnCooley

Devotion: The Key to Divine Healing
(Adapted from Job)
Satan had some plans
But when Job prayed for his friends
God turn it around for Job
And he got the double for his trouble
And he got the double for his trouble
Satan has some plans
But when you pray for your friends
God will turn it around for you
And you’ll get the double for your trouble
And you’ll get the double for your trouble
Love conquers all
So it’s time I get my mind off of myself
Love conquers all
So I’ll do something for somebody else
I will do something for somebody else
I will pray for my friends
I will pray for my enemies
I will bless those who despitefully use
And Lord You will turn it around for me
Lord You will turn it around for me
© LoveWalkMusic WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley