This is the sixth of six devotions and music videos
with the theme from Galatians 5:22
"The Fruit of the Spirit is Faith"
Kent And Rebecca Cooley
(Adapted from John 5:29; James 2, Galatians 5:22)
Love is something we practice on purpose in obedience to the Word. As we practice love, kindness and gentleness, we are taking the bucket of our works and plunging it down into the well of salvation and bringing up the very nature of Jesus. We develop His love by practicing love on purpose and His very nature is extracted from us when we put His love into practice not by feeling but by faith. Faith without works is dead.
Lord, I want to put my faith into action and practice love on purpose. How do you want to develop my love walk so that Your nature is extracted from me and extended to others? How can my faith walk in the footsteps of Your love?
Child, if you love your neighbor as you love yourself, you will do well. Speak and act as one who will be judged under My instructions of love. Mercy and love exults victoriously over judgment. Just speaking faith is not enough. Faith is loveless and destitute of power unless it has deeds or actions of obedience to back it up. Your good works of faith will illuminate love and love will prove your faith. Your faith will cooperate with your works and together they will express My love. Your works of obedience as well as your allegiance to Me are pronounced righteous through love.
© LoveWalkPublishing Authored by KentAndRebeccaCooley
Devotion: Practicing Love on Purpose
(Adapted from John 5:29; James 2)
Faith without works is dead
Show me your faith, I’ll show you your works
Faith without works is dead
Show me your works, I’ll show you your faith
Love is something we practice
On purpose in obedience to Your word
As we practice love, patience, kindness, gentleness
It is as if we are taking our bucket of works
And plunging it down into the well of salvation
Drawing up waters of Your mercy
Drawing up waters of Your love
Drawing up Your divine nature
© LoveWalkMusic WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley