This is the 6th of 6 devotions and music videos
with the theme from Galatians 5:22 and 1 Corinthians 13:4
with the theme from Galatians 5:22 and 1 Corinthians 13:4
"Love Is Patient”
“The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Longsuffering Patience"And
Rebecca Cooley
(Adapted from 1 Timothy 3:3)
During my husband's teenage years, he spent his summers traveling with an on the road bible school. The leaders of the youth group were ministers and college professors who donated their summers to train youth in ministry. While being trained to witness on the streets one day, He tells about meeting a Hindu family from India. He introduced himself and asked them if they had ever experienced Jesus coming into their hearts. They promptly informed him that they had their own religion. He was not offended nor did he feel confrontational. He showed interest in their statement by asking them about their religion. After they shared with him about their beliefs, he asked them, “Would you allow me share with you why I believe Jesus is the only way to God and to heaven?” They listened intently. I do not believe they would have listened to him if I had not shown interest in them and in their religion.
My Confession
I am not argumentative or confrontational. I am gentle and considerate. I am not quarrelsome but I am peaceful. I am not insistent that I am always right. I am developing a willingness to reason with others. I am learning not to force my opinion on others. I am not afraid of disapproval. I do not operate in fear. Being considerate promotes peace and I am a peacemaker. I do not violate the law of love.
Father, I interact with people all day. Some people don’t share the respect and honor that I have for You. But all people need you. I honor You today by being considerate and peaceable to all people. I respect You, Lord, with the words that come out of my mouth and with my opinions and thoughts. I respect people today by the way I communicate with them and by my actions. I want to communicate peace and love. I want people to feel Your love when they talk to me. Work this balance of boldness and being considerate in me so I can make
a difference to people who cross my path!
© LoveWalkPublishing
Authored by
(Adapted from 1 Timothy 3:3; 1 Corinthians 13:4; Galatians 5:22; Romans 2:1, 4, 5; 8:25; Hebrews 10:23; Matthew 12:37)
Love is patient and so am I (repeat) /
I consider God’s patience
I consider God’s long suffering (repeat)
I suffer long and I believe they’ll come around after awhile (etc)
I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe (repeat)
I am patient / I wait / I will not give up for I stand in faith (repeat)
© LoveWalkMusic
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
This is the impartation devotion
Father, As I practice longsuffering patience,
I do so by drawing from your nature.
It is not I who lives but it is now Christ who lives in me.
I go now empowered by Your grace
which is Your divine ability through me!
In Jesus name, Amen!
Every 7th devotion is offering day on the DailyLoveWalk
Every completed devotion involves 8 to 12 hours to produce.
This is our seed into your life
If this is ministering to you,
we want to invite you to sow a seed back into this ministry.
Or to become a LoveWalkCovenantPartner monthly
Online giving is not working at this time however
you may donate by regular mail
Checks may be made payable to
Kent and/or Rebecca Cooley
Kent and Rebecca Cooley /15 Trexler Ave
Thomasville NC, 27360
Father, As I practice longsuffering patience,
I do so by drawing from your nature.
It is not I who lives but it is now Christ who lives in me.
I go now empowered by Your grace
which is Your divine ability through me!
In Jesus name, Amen!
Every 7th devotion is offering day on the DailyLoveWalk
Every completed devotion involves 8 to 12 hours to produce.
This is our seed into your life
If this is ministering to you,
we want to invite you to sow a seed back into this ministry.
Or to become a LoveWalkCovenantPartner monthly
Online giving is not working at this time however
you may donate by regular mail
Checks may be made payable to
Kent and/or Rebecca Cooley
Kent and Rebecca Cooley /15 Trexler Ave
Thomasville NC, 27360