Saturday, November 12, 2016

This is the second of two devotions and music videos 
with the theme
"No Condemnation"

God Has Not Sent Me To Condemn

(Adapted from John 3:17 / 1 John 4:16)

God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world but that the word through Him might be saved!

God cherishes me. God treasures me. God values me. God prizes me. God appreciates me. God relishes me. God takes pleasure in me. God esteems me. God attaches importance to me. God reveres me. God respects me. God admires me. God lives inside of me! God loves ME!

Lord, I choose to walk in love today. I am going to treat people the way You treat me. I am going to respect and appreciate people like you respect and appreciate me. Holy Spirit, when I slip into thoughts of anger or strife or condemnation and the door begins to open for demon activity, help me bring my thoughts back into captivity of the fullness of my Father’s love. Work with me, Holy Spirit, to say things I need to say, discipline and hold accountable in love. I want my Father to be involved in and participate in my life.


(Adapted from 1 John 4:16)
God is love (repeat 4 times)
He who dwells and continues in love
Dwells and continues in God
And God dwells and continues in him
God is love
This is the love connection (4X)
We know, understand, recognize,
Are conscious of, observe,
Experience, believe,
Adhere to, put our faith upon,
Reply upon the love God cherishes for us

©LoveWalkPublishingWordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
Devotion composition RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 7, 2016

No Guilt / No Condemnation

This is the first of two devotions and music videos 
with the theme
"No Condemnation"
The God kind of love does not condemn!

(1 John 3:20-22)

What has your heart condemned you of lately? In what way have you felt guilty and criticized yourself? Is it something from deep in the past that keeps coming up? Is it something from yesterday? Are you feeling at fault for something you are doing right now?

Did you know you could be released from condemnation? There is a difference between condemnation and conviction. If I cannot determine the difference, I can cast my care upon the One who does know. If I confess my sins, I am responding to conviction. And conviction is the Holy Spirit telling me that I can be confident that the sin I bring to the Cross is canceled and forgiven. And he promises he is faithful and just to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. If my heart condemns me, he is greater than my heart. He not only knows about the sin, He knows the inner thoughts and intents of my heart. He knows that I love him and do not want anything to separate me from that love. We clear our conscience through repentance and then we do what is pleasing to him. Our heart moves us to do this. We begin to practice love.

Father, I cast all of my care on you. I bring my sin to the cross this morning by the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. I release the grip of condemnation because I respond to the Holy Spirit’s conviction. My conscience is cleared and I feel loved. And I am able to give love. Thank you for the power of Your love in my life.

© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley

(1 John 3:20-22)
Verse 1
For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus
Has made me free from the law of sin and death
For what the law could not do
In that it was made weak through the flesh
God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh
And for sin was made sin in the flesh
There is therefore now no condemnation
Unto them who are in Christ Jesus
Who walketh not after the flesh
But after the Spirit,
No condemnation to them
Verse 2
That the righteousness of the law
Might be fulfilled in us
Who walk not after the flesh
But after the Spirit
For they that are after the flesh
Do mind the things of the flesh
But they that are after the spirit
They do mind the things of the spirit
© LoveWalkPublishing Words and Music by KentCliffordCooley