Saturday, November 4, 2017


This is the 6th of 7 devotions with the theme
From 1 Corinthians 13:5
"Love Is Not Touchy"
“Love Is Not Easily Offended”

Kent Clifford Cooley

Song: Aflac

(Adapted from John 8:13-14; 1 Corinthians 13:5)

“AFLAC! Water off a duck’s back!”
Not a very spiritual opening you might say, but it sure worked to teach a spiritual truth to a five year old. Hannah had come home from Kindergarten crying because a couple of kids called her names. I said to her in the voice of the famous insurance duck, “Aflac, water off a duck’s back!” It became our game to play whenever she felt belittled or slighted in any way during those early elementary years.

We did a study on ducks to find out more about this phrase that we had adopted as our motto to help us forgive and forget offenses and such. We found out that ducks can float because they have a coating of oil on their feathers that makes the water roll right off similar to a newly waxed car. We learned that our shield of faith was like that oil on the duck’s back. We hold it up as a part of our armor and the enemy’s darts roll right off. Even though Hannah grew out of playing the AFLAC game, it is rooted in her spirit to allow offensive words to roll off as she holds up her shield of faith and quenches the darts of the enemy.

Why don’t you try it the next time an insulting or belittling word is hurled at you? You don’t have to be in Kindergarten to experience verbal abuse. Don’t receive the offensive words and answer in a spirit of love. When the Pharisees spoke accusing words to Jesus, “You testify on your own behalf but your testimony is not valid.” Jesus answered, “ Even though I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is true, reliable and valid. You do not know where I came from or where I am going but I know where I came from and where I am going.” Your response could be similar, “You are not an authority on me. I am what my Father says I am and I can do what my Father says I can do! I am not an authority on you either but God, your Creator is and He so loved you that he gave his son so that you could have life.”

Father, thank you for this simple truth. Even a child can understand your nature and your ways of doing things. The next time I am challenged by words of offense and abuse, I believe that I receive the right response as I walk in the steps of the Messiah. My heart is to please you with my choices and responses to others.

Devotion: Aflac, Water off a duck’s back
(Adapted from John 8:13-14; 1 Corinthians 13:5)
When people say words to belittle us,
When people speak words that offend
When people try to make fun of us
We won’t believe those words
We won’t receive those words.
Aflac, water off a duck’s back,
Aflac, water off a duck’s back,
Aflac, water off a duck’s back, Aflac
I am what God says I am
I can do what God says I can do
I can be what God say’s I can be
God’s word is what I believe
God’s word is what I receive
© LoveWalkPublishing
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
Devotion by KentCliffordCooley

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