Tuesday, March 21, 2017


This is the 1st of 4 devotions with the theme
From 1 Corinthians 13:5
"Love Is Not Self Seeking”

Kent Cooley

(Adapted from Zechariah 4:10;  Colossians 1:24-2:7)

Spring is my favorite time of the year.  I would like very much for it to be Spring all year round.  However, Spring would not be Spring if it were not for the other three seasons!

Even if you were to travel north close to the North Pole or south close to the South Pole, you would still see that the seasons exist even though they would not be very distinct.  The same is true concernineng areas near the equator where it would be summer like all year round but the seasons still manifest though not as distinctly.  In climates where each season is very distinct, spring is the most beautiful and bountiful time of the year.  The farmers in Illinois depend on heavy winter snows to provide certain nutrients to the soil for a bountiful end of the summer harvest.

Consider the distinctions of the seasons.  During the summer, it is hot and plant life is thriving and growing fast.  During the fall season trees go into a kind of hibernation.  The leaves lose their green pigment and we see the beautiful fall colors as the energy of the trees begin to focus on the root system.  During the winter months there is no visible demonstration of life but that is the time the energy in the root system of the tree thrives and the roots grow deep and strong. 

The same is true concerning the distinct seasons of our lives.  There are fall and winter-like seasons of our lives that God is working on our root system and there are spring and summer-like seasons of our lives when there is a visible manifestation of life and fruit.

I remember when Rebecca and I spent 3 ½ years developing our root system as we soaked in hours of teaching day and night.  During this time we felt an especially strong unction to fast and pray.  Our fall and winter season ended as we began to write devotions and songs and a "spring season" in our lives began to manifest.

When someone is attending Bible school, God is working on a root system in their life.  When the "school season" or "fall and winter season" of this time of their lives is over, the results of the root system manifest into a wonderful and bountiful "spring season." 

Father, I will not despise the day of small things.  I will not despise the season that you are working on my root system.  I prefer spring and summer but I will embrace fall and winter.  May my roots go deep to fully prepare me for a glorious and bountiful Spring.

Devotion Authored by Kent Clifford Cooley
All Rights Reserved

(Adapted from Zechariah 4:10;  Colossians 1:24-2:7)
Verse 1:
How sweet the Spring, after the fall, 
After the winter when the snow thaws
How sweet the Spring, after the fall, 
After the winter when the snow thaws
New life spring forth (4X)
Verse 2:
The tree looks dead, oh but it’s not 
It is alive down deep inside
The winter’s when the roots flourish 
I n preparation of new spring growth 

WordsAndMusic by Kent Clifford Cooley

All Rights Reserved

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