Wednesday, February 1, 2017


This is the 4th of 7 devotions with the theme from Galatians 5:22
“The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Joy”

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from Acts 16:25; Ephesians 5:19)
The kind of joy that God gives us is not the same kind of joy the world gives us. God gives us His very own joy. It is the kind of joy that is a product of love, Gods love. It is joy unspeakable and full of glory. You can impart this kind of joy to others by. . .
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;
Circumstances did not seem to serve the purpose when, at midnight, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praise to God and the prisoners heard them. The results of what sprang out of the joy of God within Paul and Silas, set them all free, not only in the natural, but spiritually as well. Paul assured the jailer that no one had left. The jailer got saved and the prisoners became the first members of the Philippian church which was pastored by the jailer himself.
The root word to happy is happen. So happiness depends on what happens to you. Joy, the God kind of joy, however, is not dependant on what happens to you. It is the joy that does not depend on circumstances. It is the joy that sets us and everyone around us free.
Father, Thank you for giving me Your very own joy. In every situation, I want to love others with the joy that sets me free and has the power to set them free as well.
© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley

(Adapted from Act 16:25)
Verse 1:
Paul & Silas locked up in a prison,
Chains & bonds,
Had a reason then to feel annoyed,
But where the Spirit of the Lord is
There is liberty,
And they began to feel a little joy.
Verse 2:
Circumstances didn’t seem
To serve the purpose
On that day
But they began to shout
And to praise His name
Those prison’s chains and shackles
Could not hold them in that room
When my Jesus came along
And He changed their tune
Chorus 1:
He changed my tune,
He changed my tune,
He took away the old man
And now I’m feeling new
I use to sing a sad song
I was always feeling blue,
Till Jesus came along
And He gave me a song,
Took away all my wrong
And He changed my tune
Chorus 2:
I remember the day He took,
He took my burdens away,
Yes He did, yes He did, Oh
He took away the old man
And now I’m feeling new
I use to sing, I sang a sad song
I was always feeling blue,
Till Jesus came along
And He gave me a song,
Took away all my wrong
And He changed my tune
© LoveWalkPublishing
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

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