Monday, January 30, 2017

KINGDOM LIVING / Joy In My Presence

This is the 2nd of 7 devotions with the theme from Galatians 5:22
“The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Joy”

Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from Romans 14:17; Galatians 5:22)
The kingdom of God is not about what you eat. It is not about what you wear or how long or short your hair is. It is not about who you know or how much you have done for God. It is not about positions or jobs or money. It is not about one’s character or personality or how many gifts you have. The kingdom of God is not up for arguments. God is not pleased when we look down on people because their stance in the kingdom of God does not meet our approval.
The kingdom of God is made up of people who are both strong and weak in faith. The kingdom of God has many people who know very little about faith. The kingdom of God has many baby believers who just want to fit in and be a part of what God is doing. Paul tells us to accept all believers and do not argue about what is right and wrong. These things are menial and cause conflict. He instructs us to be tolerant toward all people and look for a place of agreement.
If we look at people through the eyes of love and accept their viewpoint, maybe as not the gospel truth, but as a ready listener, God will give us wisdom and words of knowledge to speak truth into their lives. We draw too many lines in the sand and make too many dares to cross over our own opinions. Do you think we would reach more people with the joy of God’s presence if we would heed the Apostle Paul’s voice?
“. . . the kingdom of God
is about living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
If you will serve God with this attitude, you will please God
and others will approve of you, too.
So, let us aim for harmony in the church
and try to build each other up.”
Father, help me to see people through your eyes and give them room to learn to please you just as I am learning to please you. Help me to give people mercy just as you have given me mercy. Anoint me to speak truth in love and not make lines in the sand daring people to cross. Keep me inside of your love.
© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley

Devotion: Kingdom Living
(Adapted from Romans 14:17; Galatians 5:22)
The kingdom of God is not about food or drink.
The kingdom of God is not about what you wear.
The kingdom of God is righteousness and peace
And joy in my presence, joy in my presence
Keep the peace stay inside of love and come to me
© LoveWalkMusic WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

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