Friday, February 3, 2017

LIVING WATER / Springs Of Living Water

This is the 6th of 7 devotions with the theme from Galatians 5:22
“The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Joy”

(Adapted from John 4:1-15; Galatians 5:22)
It’s the Noon hour. Jesus and his disciples are traveling to Galilee. They stop at Jacob’s well near Samaria. Jesus probably felt a prompting of the Spirit to linger at the well. Knowing the disciples were hungry, he probably consented to their request to go on into Samaria and bring back food. Let’s look at this scene where Jesus is sitting by the well and a Samaritan woman approaches to draw water.
“Would you draw a cup of water for me?”
The woman, surprised that this Jewish man spoke to her, said, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink of water?”
“If you only knew the gift God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me for a drink and I would give you living water.”
“Sir, you have no bucket and this well is deep. Where would you get living water? How can you offer me better water than my ancestor Jacob, who built this well?”
“Anyone who drinks this water will soon become thirsty again. Anyone who drinks the water I give will never ever thirst again. The water I give will be like an artesian spring within you, a gushing fountain of endless life.”
“Sir, give me some of this water . . . “
This woman has encountered the Messiah. He offers her living water. Her thoughts may have been . . . “That would be great! I’ll never have to walk to this well again! Wait a minute. What is living water? Is he really looking at me? Why is this man talking to me? Living water… It feels like His eyes are looking right into my soul! His eyes are full of love! Living water… God’s gift would be the Messiah. . . Is this not the Messiah? Could this be the Messiah?”
Jesus didn’t see a cultural difference at the well that day. Through the eyes of love, He saw a woman who needed to lay down the world’s water and take a drink of living water. Love looked beyond her need of worldly means to her need for spiritual fulfillment. Love looks beyond the ordinary and sees through God’s eyes.
Father, I come to you daily for a drink from this spring of your living water. I will not go to Jacob’s well looking for the world’s water. You are the only source of life and hope for me. As I walk it out in love today, I want my life to direct others to this fountain of living water also. I drink in living water. . .
© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley

Devotion: Living Water At Jacob’s Well
(Adapted from John 4:1-15; Galatians 5:22)
Verse 1:
Tired from His journey He sat down
By Jacob’s well
By Jacob’s well
A Samaritan woman comes to draw
Water from Jacob’s well
Water from Jacob’s well
But this time she finds . . .
Chorus 1:
Springs of living water
Springs of living water
Springing up unto eternal life
Springs of living water
Springs of living water
Springing up unto eternal life
Verse 2:
She could not keep it to herself
She had to tell her friends
And everyone she knew
And everyone she could find
Come and see a man
Come and see a man
Come and see a man
Come and see a man
Chorus 2:
Is this not the Messiah?
Repeat 5 times
And she found . . .
Springs of living water
Springs of living water
Springing up unto eternal life
© LoveWalkPublishing WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

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