Tuesday, January 31, 2017


This is the 3rd of 7 devotions with the theme from Galatians 5:22
“The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Joy”

Rebecca Cooley
(Zephaniah 3:17; John 17:13)

Have you ever heard God sing? I have not – not yet. But when we all are gathered together in heaven with Him, He will rejoice over us with joy and joy over us with singing. Zephaniah 3:17

Since our daughter, Hannah was born, she has been a joy and delight to me every single day as I watch her grow. Could it be true that God, my Father feels this way about me? Yes, it is true, howbeit, the joy and delight is magnified many times over. According to John 17:13, He does feel this way toward each of His children. He takes delight in me now, especially when I walk in His footsteps and express His heart through loving others whom He also delights in.

Also, I can sense the peace all over Hannah occasionally because of the love and unity of our family. She knows that she is loved and she knows that I enjoy her presence and delight in her little life. How much more can I feel that peace and rest in the presence of my Heavenly Father?

Father, thank you for the revelation this morning of your great love for me. Even in my weaknesses and mistakes, you delight in me. You receive joy from my life. I want to make Your joy increase as I allow You to work through my weaknesses and make me stronger. I turn my heart toward You this morning and take joy in the fact that You joy over me with singing.
© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley

(Zephaniah 3:17 John 17:13)
Paradise and His grace will take me there
Paradise, His glory I will share
Paradise, in His likeness I will rise
Paradise, when I look into His eyes
Wonderful Savior Wonderful Friend
Wonderful Life that will never end
Wonderful home that He’s gone to prepare
Wonder of wonders I shall be there
Our God shall rejoice over us with singing
Our God shall joy over us with singing
And You shall be led forth with peace
The mountains shall burst before you into singing
All the leaves of the field shall clap their hands
The redeemed of the Lord enter the Promised Land
The saints from on high lift their hands to the sky
Singing O, magnify the Lord
We thank You Lord, we praise You for Paradise
WordsAndMusic by MikeShreve (Lyrics Abridged) Devotion by RebeccaAnnCooley

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