Tuesday, September 13, 2016


This is the 4th of 7 devotions with the theme from 
1 Corinthians 13:6
“Love Rejoices When Truth Prevail”

(Adapted from Hosea 2:14; 3:1; 9:2; 14:6-7)

Have I been an adulteress against my God? Have I turned to idols and gods to seek what I should be receiving from God? Do I receive words from doctors, philosophers, and politicians as truth, ignoring what God has to say? Have I been satisfied with the threshing floor of God’s goodness and prosperity instead of harvesting an entire field? Why do I settle for little when I can have more than enough to share with others? Have I been storing up old wine and hording it in fear that it will run out? Has the new wine failed me because of my unfaithfulness? Have I played the role of a harlot without being aware of it?

Daily I must saturate myself in the presence of the Lord to nullify the tendencies of becoming a harlot and seeking other gods. If I am not careful to clothe myself in the presence of God every day, I tend to look at my life and my situation and other’s circumstances like the world does. And when I think in the natural realm of the world, I take on harlot tendencies. Harlots turn their back on God and become satisfied with what they can gleam from the threshing floor of God’s goodness. Harlots have no self-esteem and follow after what feels good and right. Harlots are easily distracted from the grace and mercy of God that are ever available in His presence.

Why do some people pray for healing and not get healed? Why is it that my faith confessions don’t always work? Why do prayers of desperation sometimes go unnoticed or seem to fall on stony ground? Why do mishaps and mistakes come so easily? Why do I miss the mark so much?

Father, I return to the shade of the olive tree. I return to the intimate place of your presence. Daily I want to sit under the shadow of your love. Revive me and feed me with the fruit from your presence.

“Child, I will allure you and bring you back out of the wilderness. I will speak tenderly and straight to your heart. Seek me in the quietness of my presence. You will certainly find me and in finding me you will find life.”

© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved

(Adapted from Hosea 14:6-7; 2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalms 27:8)
Verse 1
If my people called by my name will humble themselves pray
Seek my face turn from their wicked ways
I will hear from heaven forgive their sins heal their land
If my people called by my name will humble themselves
He has said to me seek my face
And I have said to him Lord your face I will seek (repeat)
Verse 2
Father fall on us like the morning dew
May our roots grow deep as we return to you
Father fall on us like the morning dew
May our shoots spring forth and spread abroad as we return to you

© LoveWalkPublishing WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
All Rights Reserved

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