Saturday, December 10, 2016

THE BLAME GAME / Fellowship Begins

“Building Godly Character Through Love
This is 1 of 7 devotions and songs
that will eventually be produced with this same theme

(Genesis 3:11-13; Deuteronomy 30:15; 1 Peter 3; Ephesians 4:31; 1 John 1:7-9)

Have you ever blamed someone else for something that you are responsible for? Adam did and so did Eve. Adam blamed Eve, yet he was responsible to redirect her. Eve blamed the serpent, yet she listened to his lies. They didn’t take responsibility for their own actions. They practiced the blame game and the only place it got them was out of the presence of God.
Have you ever blamed an inanimate object for doing something that irritated you? The inanimate object doesn’t do anything except act as a tool to manifest what is inside. If the latch on the suitcase is not working correctly and you hit it, it becomes a test of your patience. Hitting the suitcase will develop anger into your character.

Character is developed from the Word. The Word must be the base of developing character. Without the Word, you cannot know true character. The Word tells us how to live and how to treat others. The Word gives instruction to a man on how to treat his wife. It gives a wife instruction on how to treat her husband. Children learn what they are responsible for in the Word. The Word gives parents guidelines on raising their children. Employers get instructions about how to treat an employee from the Word.
Lord, there are a lot of choices that I don’t have. I didn’t have the choice of my parents. I didn’t have the choice of the color of my skin. But I do have the choice of my character. I do have the choice of life or death and I choose life. I choose You, Lord.

Child, I put before you life and death. You can choose to love or you can choose hate. If you choose life, you will live and blessings will follow. If you choose life, you will live in my presence. Fear is the base for all sin and it is the result of choosing death. My love casts out fear and helps you to choose life.

© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved

(1 Corinthians 13:6; 1 John 1:7-9)
If we confess our sins, He is faithful
If we confess our sins,
He is just to forgive us
And to cleanse us from all unrighteousness
I’m not in denial anymore
Shine Your light on my sins
One by one I’m confessing all of them
This is where fellowship begins
This is where my love walk begins
In fellowship with You
As I walk in the light as You are in the light
Fellowship, fellowship, fellowship, fellowship begins
© LoveWalkPublishing WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


This is the 1st of 1 devotion
with the theme 
“Genuine Love”
Each subject will eventually have 7 devotions

(1 Corinthians 13:6; Romans 12:9)
"Let your love be sincere, a real thing."
This devotion comes to you as a minute part of a worldwide revival of the love of God. However, there is a similar movement today from secular society. Much of this secular movement agrees with the Love Chapter, teaching us to be patient and kind. The difference is that it is a compromising kind of love that embraces acts that are offensive to God and His way of doing things. When you sense compromise in your spirit, you can be sure that the real thing has been replaced with a counterfeit.

When we embrace and involve ourselves in the real thing - the real agape love - we will not only be kind and gentle and understanding but we will lead others onto a path of righteousness. God's love is good and wholesome and clean and gives instructions to do what is right in His sight. As we are rooted and grounded in God's agape love we will always lead others in a path of righteousness. We must not mistake God's love to be a compromising love.

I was in a movie theatre one time and within ten minutes I became offended at what was being depicted on the big screen so I got up to leave. As I was making my exit and walking down the aisle, I looked over my shoulder and noticed that no one else was leaving. As I looked closer, I realized that no one in that theatre looked the slightest bit offended. I knew I was in the Bible Belt and I am sure some of the people in those seats were professing Christians. As I got into my car, I became more concerned about the complacency of the believers in that theater than about the offensive scene.
Indeed God's love instructs us to love the sinner and hate the sin. Paul instructed the Romans to develop an attitude toward sin.
"Hate what is evil. Loathe all ungodliness.

"Turn in horror from wickedness, but hold fast to that which is good."

Father, I will not grow weary of repenting. I will not make excuses for my sin nor for the sin of others. You loved us so much that You gave Your Son, not to save us in our sin but to save us from our sin. I receive your forgiveness and I will extend the invitation for others to experience the real thing.
© LoveWalkPublishing Kent Clifford Cooley

(1 Corinthians 13:6; Galatians 5:22 Romans 12:9)
Let your love be a real thing (3X)
Hate what is evil, loath ungodliness,
Turn in horror from wickedness,
But hold fast, hold fast to that which is good
Hold fast to that which is good,
Hold fast to that which is good
© LoveWalkPublishing
Words Music by
Kent Clifford Cooley

Monday, December 5, 2016

LOVE'S APPROVAL / Abide In My Love

This is the first of one devotion with the theme of 
"God's Approval"
We have been accepted in the beloved Ephesians 1:6
There are 6 more devotions and songs on this subject in the making.

(Adapted from John 15:9-10)

Lord, I seek the approval of man too much. Sometimes I seem to base my worth on whether or not someone approves of me. Lord, I only want Your approval.

Child, I placed on you the seal of my approval when I created you. I now place the seal of my approval on your ministry (or the process of your life affecting others) when you seek to please only Me. Abide in My love and continue to be in love with Me. Bow before Me in adoration and humility. I love you with the love of the Father and I freely give His love and His approval. You must know that My approval is not based on mechanical things such as what you accomplish in a day’s time or how much you know. My approval is based on the heart. Your heart and your flesh are two different things. Stay in the holy place of communion with Me and I will mold and strengthen your heart and cause your heart to dictate to your flesh. Our intimate communion will make you lose all concern for approval and I will show Myself through the process of your life, your ministry. When your heart is the leader of your soul and your heart abides in My love, others will see Me and you will see that their approval is not necessary.

Lord, I live in Your love. I dismantle all the work of manipulation of the enemy concerning my worth and who I am. I break free from the lie of the enemy that I have to even try to seek Your approval. I have Your approval, Lord, of my life. I seek no other approval. I seek You and I seek to love people and to allow You to love through me. Thank you for the revelation of freedom from approval. Because I abide in Your love, I am free from the need of approval.

© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley

(Adapted from John 15:9-10)
I have loved you just as the Father has loved me (repeat)
Abide in My love; continue in His love with me (repeat 2 times)
Don’t you seek the approval that comes from man
Only seek the approval that comes from God
You have been accepted in the beloved (3X)
© LoveWalkMusic
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

Monday, November 28, 2016

SEEDS OF LOVE / Why Is Everybody Always Pickin' On Me

This is the 1st of 1 devotion with the theme,

"Seed Time And Harvest”
There are 6 more devotions to be produced so that there will be a total of 7 eventually. 

(Adapted from Luke 6:31; 1 Corinthians 13:5)

During the three and a half years that Rebecca and I were constantly listening to teaching on the subject of the ‘love walk’, I heard this testimony. Obviously, life was happening to this man as it does to all of us. He said, Lord, this woman you gave me does not care anything about me. The Lord than spoke to him in no uncertain terms, “It is none of your concern if your wife cares anything about you or not. It is your concern that you care about her.” This word came so fast and so strong that he said “Yes sir, I will do it sir. This is about becoming oblivious to what others think about us and how they treat us. This is about becoming focused on what we think about others and how we treat them.

My child, adjust your focus away from what others think about you or how they treat you. Become unmindful to what they may think of you or how they may behave toward you. You will reap a harvest of being on good terms with people when you say, by faith, “No matter what they think of me or how they may treat me, they are on good terms with me.” Now they feel loved and love will grow and You will be the recipient of what you have sown. I have given you seeds of love to sow. Sow them, you will reap a harvest in due season.

© LoveWalkPublishing
Devotion authored by KentCliffordCooley

Devotion: Seeds of Love
(Adapted from Luke 6:31; 1 Corinthians 13:5)
Recite: Why is everybody always pickin’ on me?
Verse 1:
If I always react to how others are treating
I keep the hate going
Instead of keeping the love growing
If love is gonna grow, it’s up to me,
It’s up to me, it’s up to me, it’s up to me,
Recite: Why is everybody always pickin’ on me?
It’s not about how they are treating me
It is about how I am treating them
Am I patient / Am I kind
Am I always glad to see them
Recite: Why is everybody always pickin’ on me?
So I’m becoming oblivious to how others are treating me
I won’t return evil for evil
I’ll keep the love going
I’ll keep the love growing
© LoveWalkMusic
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

Monday, November 21, 2016

THE SACRIFICE / ThankYouForGivingYourOnlySon

This is the second in a series of four devotions 
with the theme

(Adapted from Genesis 22)

“Here I am, Father.”
“Take your son, Isaac and offer him as a burnt offering 
on the mountain that I tell you.”

Abraham obeyed. He made the journey to the mountain and took the wood for the burnt offering and laid it on his son’s shoulders. He took the firepot and a knife in his hands.

“Here I am, son.”
“I see the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for the burnt sacrifice?”
“Son, God will provide Himself, a lamb for the burnt offering.
When Abraham stretched forth his hand to slay his son for the sacrifice 
as God had asked of him, he heard God’s voice again, “Abraham, Abraham!”
“Here I am.”
“Do not lay your hand on the lad or do anything to him; 
for now I know whom you fear. 
You have not held back from Me or begrudged giving Me your son, your only son.”

Abraham glanced around and behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by his horns. He took the ram and offered it for a burnt offering instead of his son!

God tested and proved Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his son. God was not asking Abraham to do something that He would not do Himself. God gave His only Son. Once God knew that Abraham was willing, the test was over. He did not require Abraham to go through with the sacrifice. He just wanted to know that Abraham would.
Lord, Abraham was willing to give all to you, even his most precious possession. Am I willing to obey like Abraham? Am I willing to give my most precious possession? I want the answer to be yes, Lord. I say yes, Lord. Thank you for giving Your Son, Your only son for me.
© LoveWalkPublishing
Devotion Authored by Rebecca Cooley

(Adapted from Genesis 22)
I see the wood
I see the fire but where is the Lamb
God will provide Himself a lamb for a sacrifice
Thank you for giving Your only Son,
Your only Son for me
Upon the mountain it was seen,
What You did for me, what You did for me
Jehovah Jirah, God will provide
On the mountain it shall be seen
© LoveWalkMusic
WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley

WordsAndTones / AllOfMyMurmuring

This is the 1st of 4 devotions 
with the theme of

What is complaining?  To complain is to speak critical, fault finding words of disapproval.       What is murmuring?  Murmuring is a sound!  You can murmur without speaking a single intelligible word.  So I should not only be careful of what I am saying but I should be equally paying close attention to the tone in which I am speaking.  

Someone can say words of approval with a disapproving tone and it turns the approving status into a tone of sarcasm.   Another person may speak words of respect with a disrespectful tone and the respectful words turn into a resentment of authority.  Words of complaining and tones of murmuring should never, ever be on the lips of a believer who is developed in love. 

Paul, in his teaching to the Philippians and to us, leaves no loop hole, no exception for murmuring and complaining under any circumstances in the life of a believer. 

"Do all things without murmurings and disputing,
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, 
without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, 
among whom ye shine as lights in the world."

Father, purge my lips from the critical, fault finding words of disapproval.  I cast down the thoughts that produce the tones that give place to the devil.  I will offer thanksgiving unto you with a grateful heart.  I give You thanks always for all things.   

© LoveWalkPublishing Devotion by KentCliffordCooley / All Rights Reserved

(Luke 17:12-19) 
Verse 1:  
It was my way of living / I didn't even realize I was doing it / 
Murmuring and complaining was my way of living until I learned the value of thanksgiving
 All of our murmuring, grumbling and complaining does not do us any good (repeat) 
We should do all things without murmuring & without disputing, showing ourselves to be the children of God.  
There is a tone that opens the gates of hell / It is the tone of murmuring 
There is a sound that opens the windows of heaven / It is the sound of Thanksgiving

© LoveWalkMusic Words and Music by KentCliffordCooley   

Saturday, November 12, 2016

This is the second of two devotions and music videos 
with the theme
"No Condemnation"

God Has Not Sent Me To Condemn

(Adapted from John 3:17 / 1 John 4:16)

God did not send His son into the world to condemn the world but that the word through Him might be saved!

God cherishes me. God treasures me. God values me. God prizes me. God appreciates me. God relishes me. God takes pleasure in me. God esteems me. God attaches importance to me. God reveres me. God respects me. God admires me. God lives inside of me! God loves ME!

Lord, I choose to walk in love today. I am going to treat people the way You treat me. I am going to respect and appreciate people like you respect and appreciate me. Holy Spirit, when I slip into thoughts of anger or strife or condemnation and the door begins to open for demon activity, help me bring my thoughts back into captivity of the fullness of my Father’s love. Work with me, Holy Spirit, to say things I need to say, discipline and hold accountable in love. I want my Father to be involved in and participate in my life.


(Adapted from 1 John 4:16)
God is love (repeat 4 times)
He who dwells and continues in love
Dwells and continues in God
And God dwells and continues in him
God is love
This is the love connection (4X)
We know, understand, recognize,
Are conscious of, observe,
Experience, believe,
Adhere to, put our faith upon,
Reply upon the love God cherishes for us

©LoveWalkPublishingWordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
Devotion composition RebeccaAnnCooley
All Rights Reserved

Monday, November 7, 2016

No Guilt / No Condemnation

This is the first of two devotions and music videos 
with the theme
"No Condemnation"
The God kind of love does not condemn!

(1 John 3:20-22)

What has your heart condemned you of lately? In what way have you felt guilty and criticized yourself? Is it something from deep in the past that keeps coming up? Is it something from yesterday? Are you feeling at fault for something you are doing right now?

Did you know you could be released from condemnation? There is a difference between condemnation and conviction. If I cannot determine the difference, I can cast my care upon the One who does know. If I confess my sins, I am responding to conviction. And conviction is the Holy Spirit telling me that I can be confident that the sin I bring to the Cross is canceled and forgiven. And he promises he is faithful and just to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. If my heart condemns me, he is greater than my heart. He not only knows about the sin, He knows the inner thoughts and intents of my heart. He knows that I love him and do not want anything to separate me from that love. We clear our conscience through repentance and then we do what is pleasing to him. Our heart moves us to do this. We begin to practice love.

Father, I cast all of my care on you. I bring my sin to the cross this morning by the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. I release the grip of condemnation because I respond to the Holy Spirit’s conviction. My conscience is cleared and I feel loved. And I am able to give love. Thank you for the power of Your love in my life.

© LoveWalkPublishing RebeccaAnnCooley

(1 John 3:20-22)
Verse 1
For the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus
Has made me free from the law of sin and death
For what the law could not do
In that it was made weak through the flesh
God sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh
And for sin was made sin in the flesh
There is therefore now no condemnation
Unto them who are in Christ Jesus
Who walketh not after the flesh
But after the Spirit,
No condemnation to them
Verse 2
That the righteousness of the law
Might be fulfilled in us
Who walk not after the flesh
But after the Spirit
For they that are after the flesh
Do mind the things of the flesh
But they that are after the spirit
They do mind the things of the spirit
© LoveWalkPublishing Words and Music by KentCliffordCooley