Monday, July 24, 2017


This is the 1st of 7 devotions with the theme of

To be rooted and grounded in love
one must first receive Christ and be born again.
If you have not been born again,
this is where your love walk will begin.
If you are born again this is where your love walk began.
It is the love of God that is shed abroad by the Holy Spirit
(Romans 5:5).


(Adapted from John 16:8)
Jesus prophesied that when the Holy Spirit came, He would convict and convince the world of sin. He would demonstrate to the world uprightness of heart and right standing with God. He would expose sin and prove to people that they are in need of a Savior.
I am a preacher’s kid. I grew up sleeping under church pews. I was in church every night. R.W. Schambach bounced me on his knee. I heard every sermon about sin and tribulation and hell that there was in those days. I heard it all. I would go to the altar after hearing a message that made me afraid. Fear led me to the altar many times before my ninth birthday. I didn’t want to be left behind. But every time I walked away from the altar, I was not changed. One day when I was nine and at a youth camp, a counselor came into our room. It was past curfew time and the lights were off. He was weeping when he stepped into our room. He talked about Calvary. He said if we rejected Calvary, we would be rejecting His love. I felt conviction. I began to weep and sob. It was the Holy Spirit that I felt, bringing conviction to my heart. This time the Holy Spirit was convincing my heart that I was a sinner and needed a Savior. There was no fear involved. I made my way to the big open tabernacle and to the altar. This time I was changed because the Holy Spirit did the work of conviction and convinced me of my sin. He convinced me that I needed to be in right standing with the Father. I left the altar that night changed by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit had knocked on my door and brought love and not fear. Love changed me and I am still changed by the power of that love.

Father, thank you for conviction motivated by love and not by fear. I renounce my sin because of Your great love for me. I love You and want a relationship with You now and through all eternity. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for convincing me to turn my heart toward the Father. I am so glad that I did.

Devotion: Love Knocked on My Door
(Adapted from John 16:8)
Verse 1:
Years ago at a youth camp it was late at night,
Someone knocked upon our door and they stepped inside
They talked about the love of Jesus that is when I cried
I got up and I went outside, I walked to that old camp alter,
I opened my heart’s door wide
He lives inside, I’m so glad I let Him in,
He took away my sin, He abides, He lives inside
When He came he came to stay,
The Truth, the Light, the Way lives inside
Verse 2:
It’s been a long, long journey since I first begun
Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come
The same One who knocked upon my heart’s door to reside
Is the One who will evermore abide
He’ll be there what ‘ere may be tide
© LoveWalkPublishing WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley Devotion by KentCliffordCooley

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