Wednesday, July 26, 2017


This is the 3rd of 7 devotions with the theme


Song: Exit

(Adapted from John 10:7)

I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that I, Myself, am the Door for the sheep.

These words also mean, 

I am the way by which people enter the true church. It is by My merits, My intercession, My aid, My appointment, and My redemption that they enter. Inside this door you will find communion with My Father and inside this door you will partake of the blessings of grace. When you walk through this door, you will find peace, joy, comfort and deliverance from your enemies. This door is the pathway to eternal life into heaven itself.

It is a comforting peace to know the Door is open for me. When I walk through that door, my enemies cannot follow. When I walk through that Door, Jesus becomes my Mediator with the Father.

Lord, thank you for making entrance to the Father for me. I walk through straight to the throne room this morning covered by Your grace. And I find mercy and loving kindness to cover me at the start of my day. I will extend mercy to others today because I have walked through that Door.

Devotion: The Door
(Adapted from John 10:7)
Verse 1:
As your look across the room
Of a world of sin and sorrow
You will see a sign of crimson red
That will point cha to the place
Where Jesus bled
Jesus is the door that says “Exit”
Exit from all your sin and strife
If you’re tattered and torn, He will fix it
And He will give to you a better life
Verse 2:
At Calvary the door it was open
Open for eternal life to find
They sealed Him in in a tomb
But He up and left it
And now that Jesus lives,
He gives us life
© LoveWalkPublishing WordsAndMusic by KentCliffordCooley
Devotion by RebeccaCooley

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